Stanely Firs, Amochrie Road, Paisley
Image: © Leslie Barrie
Taken: 9 Jul 2014
0.05 miles
Foxbar Road
Not far ahead, on the left, is the turning for Amochrie Road. The two high flats in the distance are (l-r) Gleniffer Court and Nethercraigs Court, and they are shown in
Image: © Lairich Rig
Taken: 28 Feb 2011
0.08 miles
Ancient and modern
The early 15th century Stanely Castle https://canmore.org.uk/site/43150/paisley-stanely-castle, now surrounded by Stanely Reservoir and the late 1950s Oliphant Court. The tower block is the only one remaining of five tower blocks built between 1958 and 1960, designed by John Alexander McGregor, Paisley Burgh Engineer's Department.
Image: © Richard Sutcliffe
Taken: 23 Feb 2023
0.14 miles
Stanely Castle
For earlier pictures, see
Image /
Image /
Image; see the first of those links, in particular, for more info.
As the map shows, the castle is not on the shore, but, for reasons that are explained in the end-note, out in the water. It is thought to date from the early fifteenth century, and it originally stood on an island in a marsh; the current setting is similar except in degree.
The New Statistical Account's description of Paisley says that the height is "about forty feet, fully ten feet lower than the most elevated part of Cruikston Castle" (
It goes on to cite Crawford's "History of the Shire of Renfrew" to show that the "castle and barony of Stainly" were "anciently a possession of the Denelstouns of that ilk" (Danzielston/Danȝielstone — see my discussion at
Image), later passing into the hands of the Maxwells of Calderwood, and, still later, the Earl of Glasgow. For more about that, see the link mentioned in the first paragraph.
Image: © Lairich Rig
Taken: 31 May 2017
0.18 miles
Stanely Reservoir and Castle
The ruined early 15th Century castle is at the west end of the reservoir and is surrounded by water which covers the ground floor.
Image: © Thomas Nugent
Taken: 29 Feb 2016
0.18 miles
Stanely Reservoir and Castle
The ruined early 15th Century castle is at the west end of the reservoir and is surrounded by water which covers the ground floor.
Image: © Thomas Nugent
Taken: 29 Feb 2016
0.18 miles
Grassy area above the Hollows
This area, bounded on the south by Gleniffer Road, and on the north by housing, lies within the much larger Gleniffer Braes Country Park.
Visible not far ahead, down the slope, are the backs of houses in the Hollows, a part of Foxbar; those houses are on Hollows Avenue.
Image: © Lairich Rig
Taken: 28 Feb 2011
0.19 miles
Stanely Castle
Stanely Castle
I have around 50 pictures of the castle in my collection.
Built in the early 15th century, Stanely Castle, to the west of Paisley, is still standing today, despite sitting in the middle of a reservoir.
More information - https://www.britainirelandcastles.com/Scotland/Renfrewshire/Stanely-Castle.html
Image: © Vic Nelson
Taken: 5 Mar 2007
0.19 miles
Stanely Castle
From across the reservoir by Stanely Cottage.
Image: © Stephen Sweeney
Taken: 29 Oct 2009
0.19 miles
Durrockstock Dam, Foxbar, Paisley
Pond in Durrockstock Park just to the east of Waverley Road.
Image: © G Laird
Taken: 28 Apr 2014
0.24 miles