The stone is set in the eastern wall of the burial ground. The inscription is reproduced below ("ob."="obit/obiit", "(s)he died"; "aet." = "aetas", "age").
[However, before giving the text, it is worth noting that there is an oblique connection with another memorial in the same burial ground: John Dunlop, Tide Surveyer, who is mentioned first in the inscription, is the "Mr John Dunlop" in whose care certain books from Greenock's Public Library were placed, in circumstances that are described at
Image Additionally, one of his grandsons (though he is not mentioned in the inscription) was William "Tiger" Dunlop, who was a friend of John Galt; Galt appointed him to an important position in the Canada Company.]
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"The burial place of John Dunlop, Esqr, late Tide Surveyor, Greenock.
• At this spot lie the remains of his brother Major Hutcheson Dunlop 53 Reg't Foot Ob. May 1790 – Aet. 45.
• Mrs Janet Graham, wife of his son Alexander Dunlop, merchant in Greenock now of Keppoch Ob. 7th June 1795 – Aet. 26.
• John Dunlop, Tide Surveyor, Greenock, Ob. 1st January 1805 – Aet. 75.
• Sarah Dunlop his sister, daughter of Alexander Dunlop, Professor of Greek in Glasgow University, son of Principal Dunlop and nephew of Principal Carstares, Ob. April 1805 – Aet 87.
• Henry Liston Dunlop, son of Alexander Dunlop first mentioned, Ob. 10th May 1808 – Aet. 7.
• Robina Liston Dunlop, daughter of the same, Ob. August 1816 – Aet. 3.
• Mrs Jean Dunlop or Fisher, spouse of John Dunlop above mentioned, and daughter of Mr Fisher minister of Maybole, Ob. March 1817 – Aet. 79.
• An infant son of John Dunlop writer in Greenock, son of Alexander Dunlop first mentioned, Ob. 1819.
• Thomas Dunlop son of John Dunlop last mentioned Ob. June 1826 – Aet. 1½ years.
• An infant daughter of John Dunlop last mentioned Ob. 1829.
• Margaret Jean Dunlop, daughter of John Dunlop last mentioned, Ob. 6th Sep't 1833 – Aet. 16.
• Mary Janet Dunlop, daughter of John Dunlop last mentioned, Ob. 23rd February 1834 – Aet. 7"
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The list is potentially rather confusing, and it may help to go back a little further in time, and to set out the relationships in order, by generations.
All of the above Dunlops were descendants of Alexander Dunlop (1621-1667), who is not mentioned in the inscription, but who was the Minister of the First Charge at Paisley in the middle of the seventeenth century.
Alexander, the minister, had a son called William Dunlop (1654-1700), who became the Principal of the University of Glasgow. William was the brother-in-law of Principal William Carstares (or Carstairs) of Edinburgh University (to be more specific, William Dunlop was married to Carstairs' sister Sarah; she also happened to be his cousin). This explains the inscription's references to "Principal Dunlop" and "Principal Carstares". (Principal Dunlop's "Description of Renfrewshire" is also mentioned in an item about
William Dunlop, Principal of the University of Glasgow, had two sons, one of whom was Alexander Dunlop, who became Professor of Greek at the same university; another, not mentioned in the inscription, was William, Professor of Divinity and Church History at Edinburgh.
Alexander Dunlop (1682-1747), the Professor of Greek, was the father of John Dunlop (d.1805), the Tide Surveyor mentioned at the head of the inscription, and of Sarah his sister.
John, in turn, was the father of Alexander Dunlop of Keppoch, who was Manager of the Renfrewshire Bank.
Alexander (1766-1840), the bank manager, was married first to Janet Graham, and then to Margaret Colquhoun. Three of his sons, though not named on the stone, were John Dunlop (1789-1868), a JP and Temperance Reformer; William "Tiger" Dunlop (1792-1848), who was referred to at the start of this item; and Alexander Murray Dunlop (1798-1870), an MP.