Cottages in Ashby St Mary
Image: © Evelyn Simak
Taken: 14 Oct 2009
0.01 miles
Common Calamint (Clinopodium ascendens)
This plant > http://www.geograph.org.uk/photo/5517389 which is also known as ascending wild basil and basil thyme, can be found growing on dry, calcareous soils, on roadsides, in hedges, rough grassland and rocky ground in southern areas of England and Ireland. It is a member of the Lamiaceae family and also known for its use as a medicinal herb.
The 17th century herbalist Culpeper wrote that "it is very efficacious in all afflictions of the brain" and that it "relieves convulsions and cramps, shortness of breath or choleric pains in the stomach or bowels and that cures the yellow jaundice"; and "It relieves those who have the leprosy, taken inwardly, drinking whey after it, or the green herb outwardly applied, and that it taketh away black and blue marks in the face, and maketh black scars become well coloured, if the green herb (not the dry) be boiled in wine and laid to the place or the place washed therewith."
Image: © Evelyn Simak
Taken: 29 Aug 2017
0.02 miles
Common Calamint (Clinopodium ascendens) - flowers
This plant > http://www.geograph.org.uk/photo/5517381 which is also known as ascending wild basil and basil thyme, can be found growing on dry, calcareous soils, on roadsides, in hedges, rough grassland and rocky ground in southern areas of England and Ireland. It is a member of the Lamiaceae family and also known for its use as a medicinal herb.
The 17th century herbalist Culpeper wrote that "it is very efficacious in all afflictions of the brain" and that it "relieves convulsions and cramps, shortness of breath or choleric pains in the stomach or bowels and that cures the yellow jaundice"; and "It relieves those who have the leprosy, taken inwardly, drinking whey after it, or the green herb outwardly applied, and that it taketh away black and blue marks in the face, and maketh black scars become well coloured, if the green herb (not the dry) be boiled in wine and laid to the place or the place washed therewith."
Image: © Evelyn Simak
Taken: 29 Aug 2017
0.02 miles
Rectory Cottage in Ashby St Mary
As seen from St Mary's churchyard.
Image: © Evelyn Simak
Taken: 29 Aug 2017
0.03 miles
House adjoining St Mary's churchyard
See > http://www.geograph.org.uk/photo/1463706 for a view of the church.
Image: © Evelyn Simak
Taken: 29 Aug 2009
0.03 miles
Cottages adjoining the church in Ashby St Mary
Image: © Evelyn Simak
Taken: 14 Oct 2009
0.04 miles
Bridleway approaching The Street in Ashby St Mary
This path links The Street in Ashby St Mary with Sandy Lane, which is a route open to all traffic but on the ground no more than a path widening into a farm track and, at Low Common, it becomes the access roads to a handful of properties near the eastern end of the lane.
Image: © Evelyn Simak
Taken: 29 Aug 2017
0.04 miles
Junction of The Street, Hall Road and Chapel Road
Image: © Evelyn Simak
Taken: 29 Aug 2009
0.04 miles
Ashby St Mary's church - stained glass roundel
This is an early 17th century (dated 1604) roundel set into the east window is believed to be of Swiss/Flemish origins. It depicts an angel and presumably heraldic shields. 16/17 century. The inscription is not readily decipherable.
It is believed that the village of Ashby St Mary was the location of a Roman siting post. St Mary's > http://www.geograph.org.uk/photo/1463706 - http://www.geograph.org.uk/photo/1463771 is probably built on the site of an older Saxon church, with the core of the nave dating from Norman times. A magnificent Norman south doorway > http://www.geograph.org.uk/photo/5516966 with two orders of colonnettes and mass dials > http://www.geograph.org.uk/photo/1463764 remains, now sheltered by a Tudor porch. The chancel was built in the 12th and 13th centuries and the tower dates from the 15th century. The interior contains some C17 woodwork of which the altar rail > http://www.geograph.org.uk/photo/1463773 is perhaps most noteworthy. One of the south wall windows has a stained glass > http://www.geograph.org.uk/photo/1463779 that copies a Raphaelite painting by Holman Hunt (The Light of the World).
Image: © Evelyn Simak
Taken: 29 Aug 2017
0.05 miles
Hall Road meets Chapel Road
Image: © Evelyn Simak
Taken: 29 Aug 2009
0.05 miles