Dragon Palace between advertising hoardings, Newport
Chinese takeaway at 472 Chepstow Road. The hoardings are owned by JCDecaux,
the largest outdoor advertising corporation in the world.
Image: © Jaggery
Taken: 23 Dec 2015
0.00 miles
Wimbledon-themed Stella Artois advert, Chepstow Road, Newport
On July 2nd 2016, during the Wimbledon Lawn Tennis Championships, the advert on a JCDecaux hoarding depicts a Wimbledon ticket dated 1877, the first year of the event. The text next to the ticket states
There was a time when no-one knew our names either.
JCDecaux is the largest outdoor advertising corporation in the world.
Image: © Jaggery
Taken: 2 Jul 2016
0.01 miles
Acacia Avenue telecoms mast and cabinets, Newport
Located below Chepstow Road. The name on the green cabinet is Hutchison 3G UK Ltd. Notices on the green cabinet show Danger - 415 Volts and Thieves beware - Smartwater forensic systems in use.
Image: © Jaggery
Taken: 2 Jul 2016
0.02 miles
Rooftop solar panels, Chepstow Road, Newport
Optimally located on a south-facing roof.
Image: © Jaggery
Taken: 21 Jun 2019
0.02 miles
Somerton Place, Newport
Though located on Chepstow Road, immediately east of the Aberthaw Road junction, these 2 terraced blocks, containing 16 houses, have retained the street name Somerton Place. The same applies to Bolts Row, http://www.geograph.org.uk/photo/1680263 located immediately east of Somerton Place. A small part of Bolts Row is visible in the distance, two buildings with their roofs orientated at 90 degrees to those in Somerton Place.
Image: © Jaggery
Taken: 24 Jan 2010
0.02 miles
Warning sign - school, Somerton Crescent, Newport
The sign is faded in July 2016.
Image: © Jaggery
Taken: 2 Jul 2016
0.02 miles
Chepstow Road bus stop and shelter, Newport
On the north side of Chepstow Road near Acacia Avenue and Somerton Crescent.
Image: © Jaggery
Taken: 2 Jul 2016
0.03 miles
Bungalows above Chepstow Road, Newport
Buildings on the camera side are set at road level whereas the bungalows on the north side of Chepstow Road are set several metres higher, accessed by steps. They are at the edge of steeply sloping land towards the Christchurch area of Newport.
Image: © Jaggery
Taken: 2 Jul 2016
0.03 miles
Grade II listed former police telephone box, Somerton, Newport
Located on the south side of the B4237 Chepstow Road, near Acacia Avenue
and Hawthorn Avenue, the dark blue box is known locally as the Somerton TARDIS.
Police phone boxes were formerly used by officers on the beat for communication, and were immortalised by Doctor Who's time travelling TARDIS. With the advent of personal radios in the 1970s most were demolished, leaving this 1930s Somerton box the last one in Newport. The box was Grade II Listed in 1999.
Image: © Jaggery
Taken: 23 Dec 2015
0.03 miles
Walls ice cream advert on a Chepstow Road phonebox, Newport
The advert is on display on July 2nd 2016 on the BT phonebox
located alongside a Grade II listed former police phonebox. https://www.geograph.org.uk/photo/4771730
Image: © Jaggery
Taken: 2 Jul 2016
0.03 miles