101 Town Street, Bramcote
Dates from the eighteenth century https://historicengland.org.uk/listing/the-list/list-entry/1263852?section=official-list-entry
Image: © Jonathan Thacker
Taken: 13 Apr 2022
0.01 miles
The Grange, Bramcote
The Grange, Bramcote, on Town Street.
Image: © Andrew Abbott
Taken: 28 Mar 2010
0.02 miles
The Grange, Bramcote
Substantial house dating from about 1830 https://historicengland.org.uk/listing/the-list/list-entry/1278006?section=official-list-entry For a short history of the house see https://bramcotehistory.org.uk/village-history/the-grange
Image: © Jonathan Thacker
Taken: 13 Apr 2022
0.02 miles
Bramcote House Nursing Home
On Town Street, Bramcote.
Image: © Andrew Abbott
Taken: 28 Mar 2010
0.03 miles
?Community?, Bramcote Old Tower
"One of a series of sculpted seats in the gardens surrounding the old church tower, created in Ancaster stone by local sculptor Andrew Smith working with the local community. Each has a granite panel with text by local writer Pat Ashworth.
For 'Community', the knot represents local Scouting activity, and the face is that of Konrad Elsdon, a former chair of Bramcote Conservation Society. The text reads:
“Speak of this sturdy knot of many different strands,
the common cords that bind and interweave
in school and sports field, group and gatherings, charity and church.
Small wonder the conservationist is smiling out from here.
The olden days are gone but not the golden days,
for fragile threads remain unbroken in this place
and celebrations shared make neighbours of us all."
Image: © Alan Murray-Rust
Taken: 17 Oct 2016
0.03 miles
Bramcote NG9, Notts.
"The Sunken Tower" and a graveyard is all that remains of the former 14th century parish church on an elevated plot of land overlooking a crossroads formed by Town Street, Moss Drive and Cow Lane. The reference to it being sunken relates to a belief that the rest of the church had sunk leaving only the tower standing. In fact the rest of the church was demolished, it being in a poor state of repair, shortly after Bramcote's new church, St Michael and All Angels, was built in the 1860's.
Image: © David Hallam-Jones
Taken: 21 Mar 2013
0.04 miles
Bramcote NG9, Notts.
"The Sunken Tower" and a graveyard is all that remains of the former 14th century parish church on this elevated plot of land that overlooks a crossroads formed by Town Street, Moss Drive and Cow Lane. The four Longden almshouses (1852) on Cow Lane are visible to the right. The reference to the church being sunken relates to a belief that the rest of the church had sunk leaving only the tower standing. In fact the rest of the church was demolished, it being in a poor state of repair, shortly after Bramcote's new church, St Michael and All Angels, was built in the 1860's.
Image: © David Hallam-Jones
Taken: 21 Mar 2013
0.04 miles
The Old Tower, Bramcote
This is all that remains of the medieval church, which was considerably decayed by the middle of the 19th century, and was replaced by the present church on Town Street in 1861.
Slated for complete demolition, in the end the 14th century tower was reprieved to provide a location for 'monuments and memorial plaques'. It still retains a late 16th century bell frame, although the bells were re-cast and transferred to the new church. The tower is Listed Grade II and with the surrounding garden is now looked after by the 'Friends of Bramcote Old church Tower'.
Image: © Alan Murray-Rust
Taken: 17 Oct 2016
0.04 miles
?Nature?, Bramcote Old Tower
One of a series of sculpted seats in the gardens surrounding the old church tower, created in Ancaster stone by local sculptor Andrew Smith working with the local community. Each has a granite panel with text by local writer Pat Ashworth.
For 'Nature', various items of local fauna and flora are illustrated. The accompanying text reads:
"Sing of scented yellow broom,
of lichened walls and mossy tomb,
of bluebell hill and sandy lanes,
of crocus field and daisy chains.
Of wind-borne seeds and herbs that heal,
of belfry bats and birds that wheel,
of strong-limbed yews that lend their shade
to ancient habitats remade.
A wilderness that time forgot
is transformed to a softer spot.
Now visitors can sit and greet
and children play upon this seat."
Image: © Alan Murray-Rust
Taken: 17 Oct 2016
0.04 miles
Bramcote NG9, Notts.
Cow Lane lies behind the photographer and links to the A52 (a.k.a.Derby Road/Brian Clough Way) whereas Moss Drive (ahead) serves a couple of private houses and a covered reservoir. On the left is all that remains of Bramcote's previous parish church (c.14th century). The main part of the church was in a poor state of repair and had to be demolished during the 19th century, shortly after the new church - St Michael and All Angels, Church Street - was opened.
Image: © David Hallam-Jones
Taken: 21 Mar 2013
0.04 miles