Franklin House on SW side of Porchester Road
There is an Ordnance Survey cut mark benchmark
Image on the roadside wall about 8 feet right of the steps
Image: © Roger Templeman
Taken: 10 May 2022
0.12 miles
Benchmark on stone in wall on SW side of Porchester Road opposite #288
Ordnance Survey cut mark benchmark levelled at 112.371m above Newlyn Datum in 1962
Image: © Roger Templeman
Taken: 10 May 2022
0.12 miles
View from Porchester Road Towards the City
The tower blocks around the Victoria Centre dominate the view. To the left, nicely framed by two cranes the dome of the Council House can be seen.
Image: © Mick Garratt
Taken: 3 Dec 2005
0.12 miles
How good are your hill starts?
As well as having to take care of the gradient (about 1 in 6), you have to find your way into the generally heavy traffic on Porchester Road.
Image: © Alan Murray-Rust
Taken: 27 May 2021
0.12 miles
Housing between The Wells Road and Porchester Road
1990s infill housing on a steep hillside that had remained undeveloped.
Image: © Alan Murray-Rust
Taken: 8 Mar 2009
0.13 miles
Mapperley Hospital, Male Wing
Opened in 1880 as the Nottingham Borough Asylum, and closed as a hospital in 1994. Parts are still in use as a Psychiatric Unit, but this wing has been converted into apartments.
Image: © Alan Murray-Rust
Taken: 8 Mar 2009
0.15 miles
Pilkington Road from Kenrick Road
Wonky photo taken from the car, but Kenrick really is as steep as it looks.
Image: © Martin Jones
Taken: 10 Dec 2008
0.18 miles
Nottingham - NG3
On the right-hand side of this fence is one of the internal roads of the now defunct Mapperley psychiatric hospital seen passing the side of part of Duncan Macmillan House, the only section of the hospital still providing mental health services. Behind the black car on the left-hand side of the fence one of the end elevations of the derelict hospital church can be seen. The older building to the left of the church is "Nightingale House" on Ockbrook Drive, a part of this Victorian hospital that has been converted into modern apartments. Complementing this older section of the former hospital one of several new apartment blocks are also apparent.
Image: © David Hallam-Jones
Taken: 21 Apr 2012
0.19 miles
Panorama of Mapperley Hospital
This was opened in 1880 as the Nottingham Borough Asylum, and "You'll end up in Mapperley" was common local usage when anyone acted strangely. It closed as a mental hospital in 1994, although a large part is still used by the NHS.
The buildings are strung out along a ridge and can be seen to advantage from this location. The main left hand wing was the female wing, with the superintendents dwelling next to it. This part is now Duncan Macmillan House, which includes a psychiatric unit and training facilities. Further right is the chapel, and the main right hand wing was the male wing. This has now been converted into apartments, together with the new buildings at the right hand side of the picture.
The buildings were designed by G.T.Hine, son of the architect of the nearby Coppice Hospital. Hine's work at Mapperley launcehed him as consultant architect to H.M. Commissioners for Lunacy. (source: Pevsner, Nottinghamshire)
Image: © Alan Murray-Rust
Taken: 8 Mar 2009
0.19 miles
The Wells Road
Looking downhill towards the city centre.
Image: © David Lally
Taken: 5 Jul 2016
0.19 miles