Bellamy Road, Mansfield, Notts.
The Shireoaks Enterprise Centre is seen here backing onto Bellamy Road. (The centre and the flats face arable farm land). The road branching off it to the right is Ruddington Road. Sixteen supported-business starter units were created within two semi-derelict blocks of flats in late 2008/early 2009 at a cost of £400,000. This stretch of Bellamy Road - as far as the eye can see and extending 100 yds behind the photographer too - was created on top of the former Old Newark Road. As a result, this section of it has taken the name Bellamy Road, embracing the fact that it is now part of the Bellamy Road Estate. Behind the photographer Bellamy Road ends and what remains of the former Old Newark Road continues as an unmaintained track for a mile or so until it joins the A6191 (a.k.a. Southwell Rd East). In the distance Bellamy Road can be seen curving off to the right, whereas the Old Newark Road continues straight ahead in the direction of the A6117 Road (10 mins walk away) and the A60 - the main Mansfield-Nottingham - Road (30 minutes walk away).
Image: © David Hallam-Jones
Taken: 10 Nov 2013
0.05 miles
Bellamy Road, Mansfield, Notts.
A view of part of Bellamy Road with the former Old Newark Road (now only an unmaintained track) recommencing beyond the furthest lamp post on the right. This part of Bellamy Road was created on a section of the former Old Newark Road to serve the new-ish housing development its left. Occasional buses serve this location and use the central island in front of the bus shelter as a turning circle. Bellamy Road continues for a quarter of a mile behind the photographer and then sweeps away to the right in a north-westerly direction to join the A6117 road. The Old Newark Road - in that direction - carries on, parallel with the hedge, towards the West Nottingham College site on the A60 (Nottingham-Mansfield) Road, crossing the A6117 en-route beyond Newark Close.
Image: © David Hallam-Jones
Taken: 10 Nov 2013
0.06 miles
Bus shelter on Redruth Drive
Image: © Jonathan Thacker
Taken: 8 Mar 2020
0.06 miles
Former Old Newark Road, Mansfield, Notts.
The most easterly segment of the Old Newark Road is seen here, on the right, heading in the direction of the A6191 (Southwell Rd West). Grassed fields (grazing land ) also feature on the right of the picture. Redruth Drive heads off to the left here in front of the bus shelter. The former Old Newark Road has been upgraded and renamed Bellamy Road for approximately half a mile, behind the photographer, in order to serve this new-ish housing development. Thus the former Old Newark Road continues its former course, behind the photographer, albeit under a different guise.
Image: © David Hallam-Jones
Taken: 10 Nov 2013
0.07 miles
Former Old Newark Road, Mansfield, Notts.
The most easterly segment of the Old Newark Road, i.e. from the A6191 (Southwell Road West) to this point (Redruth Drive) peters out here and the former road has been upgraded and renamed as Bellamy Road - for half a mile or so - in order to serve this new-ish housing development. Thus the former Old Newark Road does actually continue straight ahead, albeit under a different guise. The former Old Newark Road then branches off to the left in less than a mile towards the West Nottingham College area of south Mansfield. To be more precise, Bellamy Road (ahead) branches off the Old Newark Road to the right forming a C shaped curve, to join the A6117, with the route of the former "old road" to continue westwards. Arable farmland features behind the hedgerow on the left.
Image: © David Hallam-Jones
Taken: 10 Nov 2013
0.08 miles
Footpath and houses on Padstow Close
Image: © Jonathan Thacker
Taken: 8 Mar 2020
0.10 miles
Bellamy Road, Mansfield, Notts.
Residential housing on Bellamy Road seen from Lindhurst Lane. Lindhurst Lane here is no more than a track that has become a footpath. The construction of the A617 - a 5 minute walk away behind the photographer - bisected this lane, with the result that it became of use to pedestrians only.
Image: © David Hallam-Jones
Taken: 11 Jan 2015
0.11 miles
Heath land and the edge of Mansfield
Image: © Jonathan Thacker
Taken: 8 Mar 2020
0.12 miles
Field north of the A617
Image: © JThomas
Taken: 17 Mar 2014
0.17 miles
A617 heading east
Towards Newark.
Image: © JThomas
Taken: 17 Mar 2014
0.20 miles