Swans on the Mill Lakes
These lakes at Bestwood Village at one time stored the water for the local water Mill
Image: © Tom Courtney
Taken: 5 Sep 2005
0.12 miles
North from Mill Lane crossing
This foot crossing connects Nottingham Road and Bulwell Hall Estate (to the left) and Bestwood. The Robin Hood railway line from Nottingham to Mansfield and Worksop (right) and the NET tramway share the Midland Railway formation (originally double track), which dates from 1848 - the first of three railways built in the Leen Valley and the only one remaining. In the distant past a siding led off to the right from behind the camera to serve the mill shown in
Image], and from 1952 the branch line to Calverton Colliery diverged to the right about a quarter of a mile to the north (ahead), just beyond where the Great Northern Leen Valley Line crossed at an angle on a girder bridge of which nothing remains.
Image: © John Sutton
Taken: 13 Jul 2011
0.13 miles
Mill Lakes outlet
This is where the River Leen leaves the Mill Lakes part of Bestwood Country Park
Image: © Alan Murray-Rust
Taken: 13 Jan 2008
0.16 miles
Path Around Mill Lake
The outflow to Mill Lake is under the bridge. This section of the path is on the line of an old railway.
Image: © Mick Garratt
Taken: 5 Jan 2008
0.16 miles
Nottingham, NG6 - Mill Lane Vicinity
The mill pond at the rear of the former Forge Mill, with the route followed by the Robin Hood railway line and the tram line visible in the distance. The pond is fed by the River Leen after it has left the nearby Mill Lakes area. The pond is now in use by a private fishing club and there is no longer access to a former public footpath along the edge of it. Bayles and Wylie Ltd of Calverton have sold these premises that they were previously using as a packing and storage warehouse. Whilst the new owner has consent to convert the upper floors into 11 apartments, it has been reported that "a deal has been done with a charity who will use the grounds and the first floor for textile-based employment purposes".
Image: © David Hallam-Jones
Taken: 2 Dec 2012
0.16 miles
Bestwood Country Park- Mill Lakes area
This is the alignment of the former Great Northern Railway Leen Valley branch. As well as being part of the Robin Hood Way at this point, it is also part of the Sustrans cycle network. The concrete slab in the foreground is a seat, and is inscribed "One million years of pressure", presumably with reference to the formation of the coal seams.
This view is in the opposite direction to
Image: © Alan Murray-Rust
Taken: 13 Jan 2008
0.17 miles
Path into Leen Valley Country Park
This forms part of both the Robin Hood Way and NCN route 6
Image: © David Lally
Taken: 27 Apr 2017
0.17 miles
Hucknall by pass southern roundabout
This roundabout marks the southern end of the Hucknall by pass (left) and also effectively the southern end of Hucknall itself. The houses in the distance are on Nottingham Road, which continues south across the Nottingham city boundary as Hucknall Lane (out of frame to the right).
Image: © Richard Vince
Taken: 15 Sep 2012
0.17 miles
Bayles & Wylies (Mill) Crossing, Bestwood, Notts.
The west side of a new footbridge across the Bayles & Wylies dual rail and tram track crossing. As a consequence of the death in November 2012 of a teenager on this crossing Network Rail paid £1.5 million for the installation of this 7 metre high footbridge. It was opened in October 2013. Walkers using the Robin Hood Way (long distance trail) must now use this footbridge. The former Bayles & Wylies Mill is situated on the other side of the tracks. Hucknall Road (the A611 road) is situated a minute away on the photographer's right.
Image: © David Hallam-Jones
Taken: 24 Jan 2014
0.17 miles
Bayles & Wylies (Mill) Crossing, Bestwood, Notts.
As a consequence of the death in November 2012 of a teenager on the dual train and tram crossing ahead Network Rail paid £1.5 million for the installation of this 7 metre high footbridge that was opened in October 2013. Walkers using the Robin Hood Way (long distance trail) now use this footbridge. The properties in the distance are on Millbank Place. The former Bayles & Wylies Mill is also situated on the other side of the tracks. Hucknall Road (A611) is situated 1 minute away behind the photographer.
Image: © David Hallam-Jones
Taken: 24 Jan 2014
0.18 miles