Shopping precinct, South Shields
The bridge in view carries the Metro rail line.
Image: © John Lucas
Taken: 15 Aug 2016
0.01 miles
King Street, South Shields
The main shopping street in South Shields pictured on a quiet Sunday morning.
Image: © Graham Robson
Taken: 9 Oct 2016
0.02 miles
South Shields
Approaching the Metro station on Ocean Road.
Image: © David Dixon
Taken: 15 Jun 2012
0.02 miles
Converted warehouse, East Street, South Shields
Image: © Andrew Curtis
Taken: 27 Nov 2015
0.04 miles
South Shields Metro station
From King Street
Image: © Chris Morgan
Taken: 9 Jun 2018
0.04 miles
King Street, South Shields
The metro station is located above the street, on the bridge.
Image: © Roger Cornfoot
Taken: 15 Apr 2007
0.04 miles
A train in South Shields Metro Station
Image: © John Lucas
Taken: 15 Aug 2016
0.05 miles
Metro bridge on King Street, South Shields
Image: © Andrew Curtis
Taken: 27 Nov 2015
0.05 miles
South Shield Metro Station
The final station on the Tyne and West Metro line from Pelaw. Trains from here travel to the station at St James via a loop around the coast of North Tyneside.
Image: © Graham Robson
Taken: 9 Oct 2016
0.05 miles
Part of King Street, South Shields
I have just been to a local butchers, called Dicksons, and enjoyed 'a saveloy with everything on', which is a pink saveloy sausage, skinless, in a 'bread bun' (snapped in two, so it fits), and 'everything on' translates as the bread bun ALSO being filled with a generous helping of pease pudding, applied with a pallet knife, plus a helping of sage and onion stuffing and last but by no means least, a healthy dollop of bright yellow mustard. I ate it in the street, whilst walking. It has to be eaten to be fully appreciated. The flavours and textures combine in a slightly miraculous way; it is definitely more than the sum of its parts, and unite to give your taste buds a tantalising tease, tweak and titillate. It is a local delicacy. Though my wife, a local, didn't have one. I received many admiring glances as I ate and walked (no mean feat when you are tasting something very new, and which wants to escape the confines of its bun and jump onto your clothing or make a bid for freedom and fall into the street to become seagull food). I felt like a walking advert for Dicksons - and I may well have been - as passers-by saw me munching and set their faces towards the shopfront to copy me and order their own 'saveloy with everything on'. By the time I reached this part of King Street, I was in a mild torpor or trance-like state, induced by my new experience. I felt a kindred spirit with all my fellow shoppers, as if I had somehow been inducted into a new community of like-minded people. WE all know about the 'saveloy with everything on'. I smiled benignly at teenagers hanging about, bestowed friendly nods at passing elderly couples and felt compelled to pick up passing babies and hold them aloft.
I obviously highly recommend the experience.
I am replicating them at home. You cannot get anything remotely like it where I live I'm afraid...
Image: © Jeremy Bolwell
Taken: 30 Jul 2021
0.05 miles