The cafe in Waterlow Park
The steps to Lauderdale House
Image: © David Smith
Taken: 27 Apr 2010
0.01 miles
View of Lauderdale House from Waterlow Park #2
Looking north-northeast.
Image: © Robert Lamb
Taken: 16 May 2015
0.01 miles
View of Lauderdale House from Waterlow Park #3
Looking south-southeast.
Image: © Robert Lamb
Taken: 16 May 2015
0.01 miles
View of the steps up to Lauderdale House from Waterlow Park
Looking north-northeast.
Image: © Robert Lamb
Taken: 16 May 2015
0.01 miles
Lauderdale House from its terrace
Lauderdale House was one of the finest country houses in Highgate and was originally built for Richard Martin (Lord Mayor of London) in 1582. In 1645 it was inherited by the notorious Earl of Lauderdale (hence its name), one of the members of Charles II’s CABAL of Ministers. In 1666 it was visited by Charles II and Samuel Pepys, while Nell Gwyn is said to have lived there briefly in 1670.
From 1856 Sydney Waterlow, the famous printer, had lived in a house in what is now Waterlow Park. He soon acquired the neighbouring properties to create his own mini-estate. Lauderdale House was let out, for a while as a convalescent home. In 1882, he donated it 'for the enjoyment of Londoners'.
Sydney Waterlow did not stay long at his Highgate estate. It remained empty and deteriorating for some time until he decided to present it to the London County Council as a public park and ‘a garden for the gardenless’. This took place in 1889, after he had failed to find a buyer. In converting the estate into a public park the Council was careful to keep most of the historic features.
By the end of the 20th century, however, Waterlow Park was in serious decline but a major restoration project was completed in June 2005 with Heritage Lottery funding. Lauderdale House, which is within the park, now houses a cafe.
There is a Friends of Waterlow Park group – see http://www.waterlowpark.org.uk/
Image: © Marathon
Taken: 5 Sep 2018
0.01 miles
View of Lauderdale House from Waterlow Park
Looking north-northwest.
Image: © Robert Lamb
Taken: 16 May 2015
0.01 miles
Lauderdale House and the sundial
In Waterlow Park
Image: © David Smith
Taken: 27 Apr 2010
0.02 miles
View of a path edged with benches near Lauderdale House #2
Looking south-southeast.
Image: © Robert Lamb
Taken: 16 May 2015
0.02 miles
The Old Walls at Lauderdale House
The steps are flanked by eagles and two magnolias
Image: © David Smith
Taken: 27 Apr 2010
0.02 miles
Cromwell House, Highgate
An impressive early C17 house with 7 bays set above Highgate Hill http://www.imagesofengland.org.uk/details/default.aspx?id=201359 . There have been additions since, like the C18 doorcase and the C19 cupola. The house was built for Richard Sprignall who, like the illustrious John Gilpin, was a trainband (militia) captain, which would presumably have put him on Cromwell's side in the civil war, but the name of the house arrived only in 1833, when it became a school and later a convalescent home for sick children. http://www.british-history.ac.uk/report.aspx?compid=22520 gives more historical and architectural detail.
Image: © Derek Harper
Taken: 12 Jun 2010
0.03 miles