Seaforth Crescent
Walking through to Seaforth Crescent from Aberdeen Park.
Image: © DS Pugh
Taken: 5 Apr 2016
0.04 miles
Newcombe Estate, Aberdeen Park
Owned by the Islington Housing Association, the estate was opened by actress Joyce Grenfell in 1950.
Image: © Des Blenkinsopp
Taken: 24 Jul 2016
0.05 miles
Aberdeen Park
Looking along a private road in Highbury.
Image: © DS Pugh
Taken: 5 Apr 2016
0.06 miles
Aberdeen Park conservation area
A prosperous and leafy residential area behind the busy thoroughfairs of Highbury. "The southern and eastern perimeters of the Park are lined by handsome, four storey, Victorian villas, some semi-detached and some detached. Constructed for prosperous City merchants and well-to-do local families in the 1850s and 1860s, these houses were the first buildings in the new, gated private community of Aberdeen Park. Some are adorned with Italianate towers and all have extensive gardens."
Image: © Natasha Ceridwen de Chroustchoff
Taken: 27 Jul 2009
0.06 miles
St Saviour's church Aberdeen Park
Hard to see amid the surrounding greenery but this is an eye-catching church in the quiet surroundings of Aberdeen Park. It was built in 1866 under the influence of the Pre-Raphaelite and Oxford movements, with a full complement of Victorian-gothic features, but became redundant in 1980 after attendance dwindled.
"It is a Grade One listed nineteenth century Neo-Gothic style former Anglican Church. The church was designed by the architect William White (1825-1900). Once described as someone “who see-sawed between madness and genius, and ultimately fell off the wrong side.” St. Saviour’s, his masterpiece, was restored from its derelict state by English Heritage in 1988.
The building is an imposing red brick edifice, with many unique details, from its echoes of Moorish and Dutch architecture, to its Arts and Crafts use of coloured bricks to create the internal decoration of the church. The church also has strong connections with John Betjeman, who worshipped here, and wrote of it in his poems."
From the website of The Florence Trust which now owns it and runs it as studios providing shared space for artists to escape isolation http://www.florencetrust.org/
Betjeman wrote a poem with the title as above which begins:
With oh such peculiar branching and over-reaching of wire
Trolley-bus standards pick their threads from the London sky
Diminishing up the perspective, Highbury-bound retire
Threads and buses and standards with plane trees volleying by
And, more peculiar still, that ever-increasing spire
Bulges over the housetops, polychromatic and high.
Stop the trolley-bus, stop! And here, where the roads unite
Of weariest worn-out London - no cigarettes, no beer,
No repairs undertaken, nothing in stock - alight;
For over the waste of willow-herb, look at her, sailing clear,
A great Victorian church, tall, unbroken and bright
In a sun that's setting in Willesden and saturating us here.
Image: © Natasha Ceridwen de Chroustchoff
Taken: 27 Jul 2009
0.07 miles
St Saviour's red brick
John Betjeman's squat polychromatic church in Aberdeen Park Highbury. The solid Edwardian citizens who attended have been replaced by cutting-edge up-and-coming artists.
Image: © Natasha Ceridwen de Chroustchoff
Taken: 27 Jul 2009
0.07 miles
Spring Gardens estate on Grosvenor Avenue
Part of a large Islington council estate
Image: © David Howard
Taken: 13 Jun 2014
0.08 miles
Flats on Highbury New Park
This is a typical council block from the 1930s-40s with outside corridors to each flat. The curved balconies appear art deco while the windows may have been replaced but look more from the 50s or so.
Image: © David Howard
Taken: 13 Jun 2014
0.09 miles
Highbury New Park/Holmcote Gardens Benchmark
Image: © Cipollini
Taken: 8 Oct 2024
0.10 miles
Highbury Estate
Seen from Grosvenor Avenue, the block on the right is Elmfield House.
Image: © Stephen McKay
Taken: 1 Jul 2008
0.10 miles