The church of St. John the Baptist, Doddington
South chapel. A medieval church, Doddington is dedicated to the Decollation (beheading) of St John the Baptist. The dedication is one of the rarest in England.
Image: © pam fray
Taken: 1 Feb 2023
0.02 miles
Doddington Church
Church of the Beheading of St. John the Baptist. Parish church, Grade I listed, 12th century, extended south around 1200 and the 15th century, restored 1873 to 1874 and 1907 to 1908.
Image: © pam fray
Taken: 19 Nov 2017
0.02 miles
Memorial to George Swift, Doddington church
"He dyed by an unfortunate fall from a Chariot" in 1732 aged 25.
Image: © Julian P Guffogg
Taken: 2 Jun 2012
0.02 miles
Hagioscope, St. John the Baptist Church, Doddington
A hagioscope, also called squint, is an opening, usually oblique, cut through a wall or a pier in the chancel of a church to enable the congregation, in transepts or chapels, to witness the elevation of the host during mass.
Image: © pam fray
Taken: 1 Feb 2023
0.02 miles
Doddington church
Unpleasantly dedicated to The Beheading of John the Baptist.
Image: © Robin Webster
Taken: 9 Feb 2014
0.02 miles
Wall Painting, Doddington church, Kent
Image: © Julian P Guffogg
Taken: 2 Jun 2012
0.02 miles
The Beheading of St. John the Baptist church, Doddington
Dedicated to the decollation (beheading) of John the Baptist, this is one of the rarest in England and shared only with Trimmingham, Norfolk. The church is a treasure trove of historical gems, including a Norman chancel, 13th century wall paintings, medieval poppy-heads and a double squint. The tower was replaced by the present wooden one in the 19th century.
Image: © pam fray
Taken: 7 Apr 2009
0.02 miles
Church of The Beheading of St John the Baptist, Doddington
Image: © Julian P Guffogg
Taken: 2 Jun 2012
0.02 miles
The Beheading of St John the Baptist Churchyard, Doddington
John Newman in The Buildings of England: North-East and East Kent says of the church: "A startling and unique dedication. The church stands above the village on the hillside, surrounded by great lime trees. Gently restored ... and the absurd little west tower is weatherboarded from almost the bottom and crowned by boarded battlements. A Norman nave and chancel were doubled in size by the addition c.1200 of what amounted to a second nave and chancel."
Image: © Marathon
Taken: 7 Jul 2016
0.02 miles
The Beheading of St John the Baptist Church, Doddington
John Newman in The Buildings of England: North-East and East Kent says of the church: "A startling and unique dedication. The church stands above the village on the hillside, surrounded by great lime trees. Gently restored ... and the absurd little west tower is weatherboarded from almost the bottom and crowned by boarded battlements. A Norman nave and chancel were doubled in size by the addition c.1200 of what amounted to a second nave and chancel."
Image: © Marathon
Taken: 7 Jul 2016
0.02 miles