Old trade sign at Stonebridge Mills
The sign advertises Harmel Ironmongers.
Image: © Stephen Craven
Taken: 21 May 2020
0.01 miles
Stonebridge Mills - remains of a steam engine
Sadly the conversion of these mills to dwellings has resulted in the removal of this engine and its partial destruction. It has been placed offsite by the entrance drive and incorporated in an 'artistic' framework. It was built by Thomas Matthews of Pendleton, Manchester and was clearly a single cylinder vertical engine. It is a shame that more care wasn't taken with its conservation. Another engine by the base of the chimney has fared even worse and only its part buried driven pumps and gearing remain.
Image: © Chris Allen
Taken: 5 May 2023
0.01 miles
Electricity Substation No 77 - Stonebridge Mills - Stonebridge Lane
Image: © Betty Longbottom
Taken: 9 Aug 2011
0.01 miles
Chimney of Stonebridge Mills
See also
Image The chimney served a "mid 19th century engine house", part of what is now a grade 2 listed former textile mill (list entry number 1255993).
Viewed from across the reservoir.
Image: © Stephen Craven
Taken: 29 Aug 2015
0.01 miles
Stonebridge Mills - pumps
The mills have been converted to dwellings but some features have been retained. These gear driven pumps are partly buried and the steam engine that drove them has been scrapped. Another engine has been partly scrapped but parts are preserved in a modern steel archway near the entrance drive. It is a shame the developers did not do more to save these items intact.
Image: © Chris Allen
Taken: 5 May 2023
0.01 miles
Stonebridge Mills,
This complex has been part demolished and part converted to dwelling with some of the original features retained. The red object on the wall is the end of a wagon boiler that was inverted to act as a water tank. I am not sure how much original material remains or if it extends behind the wall as it did. The flywheel in the arched steel structure by the entrance is all that remains of a vertical single cylinder steam engine. The sorry remains of another are by the base of the chimney and just consist of part buried driven pumps. The tower with the water tank on top is now standing isolated as a result of demolition around it and the aerial photograph of work in progress suggest some of the buildings have been rebuilt from the ground up. Much of the site is under new housing that is still being constructed.
Image: © Chris Allen
Taken: 5 May 2023
0.01 miles
Stonebridge Mills - water tank
These old mills are Listed Grade II but have been partially demolished and converted to housing. This tank is an inverted wagon boiler that has been repurposed. It has been conserved but I think only the visible part may survive and the building it is attached to may well have been rebuilt judging from an aerial view of work in progress.
Image: © Chris Allen
Taken: 5 May 2023
0.02 miles
Old buildings at Stonebridge Mills
I'm not sure whether the right hand building here is the one named by Historic England as a "metre house" [sic]. If so, it is listed grade II (list entry 1255991) along with two cottages (out of shot to the right) and dated to c.1830. The description of "windows [with] segment brick heads and stone sills" certainly fits.
The left-hand building appears to be the electrical intake for the site.
Image: © Stephen Craven
Taken: 21 May 2020
0.02 miles
Roofless building at Stonebridge Mills
This grade II listed mill building (list entry 1255993) is starting to decay.
Image: © Stephen Craven
Taken: 21 May 2020
0.03 miles
Gala Bingo - Silver Royd Hill
Image: © Betty Longbottom
Taken: 27 Nov 2007
0.03 miles