Bardney Almshouses
Built by Peter Hancock in 1712. http://community.lincolnshire.gov.uk/bardneyvillagehistory/section.asp?catId=23274
Image: © Tim Heaton
Taken: 14 Sep 2011
0.05 miles
Interior of St Lawrence, Bardney
The chancel.
Image: © Dave Hitchborne
Taken: 24 Aug 2004
0.05 miles
Window and diaper work on Bardney Church
Image: © Chris
Taken: 17 Oct 2020
0.05 miles
Interior of St Lawrence, Bardney
Looking towards the chancel.
Image: © Dave Hitchborne
Taken: 24 Aug 2004
0.06 miles
Knowles' benefaction board
Very rare benefaction board in St.Lawrence's church for a charity provided by Joseph Knowles and his Uncle John Knowles.
“Joseph Knowles, an Apprentice of London, and son of Richard Knowles Senior of Bardney deceased, departed this life aged 25 years on the 10th of August 1603, by his will and testament, signed the 2nd day of August that year, amongst other diverse charitable gifts gave £30 pounds to some of his trusted friends of Bardney, to be bestowed on land for the use and benefit of the poor, that are and shall be hereafter of this town and Parish of Bardney forever, the rents and profits of such lands yearly to be bestowed in bread and to be given weekly every Sunday immediately after Morning Prayer to 12 poor people of this Town and Parish of Bardney, every loaf value of one penny.”
Joseph Knowles left Bardney for London, and died aged 25 years old. He made his Will eight days before he died, bequeathing his money to be invested to “provide bread for the poor every Sunday after morning prayers”. Unfortunately, this bequest was not enough to buy the amounts he believed. His uncle, John Knowles, also from Bardney, made up the amount of money to satisfy the Will.
“John Knowles Senior of this Parish of Bardney in the year of our Lord 1603 did also give 10 pounds towards furthering of the gift of his nephew Joseph Knowles, before named to make it amount to the sum of 12 pence weekly as aforesaid to the same, and only use and uses of the poor inhabitants of this town and Parish of Bardney and shall be for ever.”
Image: © Richard Croft
Taken: 20 Dec 2013
0.06 miles
St.Lawrence's church
Large 15th century parish church with an early brick chancel of 1434
Image: © Richard Croft
Taken: 30 Apr 2013
0.06 miles
St Lawrence's church, Bardney
From the north-west.
Image: © Julian P Guffogg
Taken: 8 Sep 2015
0.06 miles
Interior, St Lawrence's church, Bardney
Image: © Julian P Guffogg
Taken: 8 Sep 2015
0.06 miles
Stained glass window, St Lawrence's church, Bardney
East end of north aisle.
St George and dragon, and Archangel St Michael flank a crucifixion scene.
Image: © Julian P Guffogg
Taken: 8 Sep 2015
0.06 miles
Stained glass window, St Lawrence's church, Bardney
"Suffer the little chuldren". In memory of William Henry Mitchell, d. 1945.
A well portrayed baby.
Image: © Julian P Guffogg
Taken: 8 Sep 2015
0.06 miles