That's one camera bag
Not sure what he was doing but some promotional video filming was taking place nearby.
Image: © Richard Hoare
Taken: 20 Jun 2015
0.00 miles
Market day 2
Another view of this bustling street market, looking along High Street towards the sea.
Image: © Jonathan Wilkins
Taken: 24 Apr 2014
0.02 miles
City of Gold
One of many amusement arcades in Mablethorpe.
Image: © Richard Hoare
Taken: 20 Jun 2015
0.02 miles
Market Day in Mablethorpe
Last Thursday in October, and the main street is closed for the market.
Image: © Chris
Taken: 31 Oct 2013
0.02 miles
Market day 1
What a delight to find a busy street market, and one that takes over the main road to put traffic in its place. Keep it up, Mablethorpe.
Image: © Jonathan Wilkins
Taken: 24 Apr 2014
0.03 miles
Route planning
Geographer and long-distance cyclist Bob Jones grabs a quick lunch in Mablethorpe and consults OS 1:50,000 Landranger maps in planning the rest of the day. Failure of his GPS Satmap system and strong headwinds have forced a rethink of the route.
Image: © Richard Croft
Taken: 3 May 2011
0.03 miles
The Book-in-Hand, Mablethorpe, from the east side
Part of this building was the hotel of that name.
In a far-off day, a ship was wrecked upon the coast at Mablethorpe, and the only person saved was the captain, who came ashore with a Bible in his hands. It is thought that this is the origin of the name.
Or on the other hand it may have been named after a ship. In any case in 1842 it was just a thatched whitewashed building with two steps down for an entrance.
It used to have two bays protruding out into the street but these were destroyed by a fire in 1981.
It no longer accommodates staying guests.
For the fascinating history see: http://www.my-mablethorpe.com/my-community/groups/viewbulletin/1-book-in-hand-history.html?groupid=4
Alas there was no longer any sign of the hand and the book over the door, though it was there until recently.
Image: © Chris
Taken: 31 Oct 2013
0.04 miles
The Book-in-Hand, Mablethorpe, from the west side
Part of this building was the hotel of that name.
In a far-off day, a ship was wrecked upon the coast at Mablethorpe, and the only person saved was the captain, who came ashore with a Bible in his hands. It is thought that this is the origin of the name.
Or on the other hand it may have been named after a ship. In any case in 1842 it was just a thatched whitewashed building with two steps down for an entrance.
It used to have two bays protruding out into the street but these were destroyed by a fire in 1981.
It no longer accommodates staying guests.
For the fascinating history see: http://www.my-mablethorpe.com/my-community/groups/viewbulletin/1-book-in-hand-history.html?groupid=4
Alas there was no longer any sign of the hand and the book over the door, though it was there until recently.
Image: © Chris
Taken: 31 Oct 2013
0.04 miles
A Mirage in Mablethorpe
An amusement arcade on a wet day, the next day being the summer Solstice.
Image: © Richard Hoare
Taken: 20 Jun 2015
0.04 miles
The post office, Mablethorpe
In Wellington Road, off the main street (High Street).
Image: © Humphrey Bolton
Taken: 1 Mar 2009
0.06 miles