Cadbury's factory, Marlbrook
The factory lies to the east of the A49 and is positioned between the A road and the River Lugg.
The factory became infamous in 2006 as an outbreak of salmonella caused the recall of over a million chocolate bars. The factory processes 180 million litres of fresh milk, 56,000 tonnes of sugar and 13,000 tonnes of cocoa liquor into chocolate crumb which is then transported to other sites at Bournville, near Birmingham, and Somerdale, near Bristol, where it is blended with cocoa butter and turned into milk chocolate.
Image: © Pauline E
Taken: 7 Mar 2010
0.01 miles
Cadbury's, Marlbrook
This was a milk processing plant in the 1960s and they bought our milk (from a Jersey herd). It may have a different role today, but the really amazing thing given the massive deindustrialisation of the past 35 years is that it is still here.
The buildings used to stand out from a long distance, but are now well screened, with a big poplar plantation to the north. Another big change is that the A49 is a lot closer due to the building of the A49 Leominster bypass.
Image: © Richard Webb
Taken: 1 Jul 2014
0.02 miles
Cadbury's Factory, Marlbrook
Image: © Eirian Evans
Taken: 17 Feb 2011
0.03 miles
Cadbury Factory (Viewed from Hope-Under-Dinmore | Marlbrook)
Oh look, another Cadbury factory. Seen two so far!
Viewed from Hope-Under-Dinmore.
Image: © Fabian Musto
Taken: 4 Apr 2018
0.04 miles
Cadbury Factory (Viewed from St. Mary's of Hope Church at Hope-Under-Dinmore | Marlbrook)
Here is the Cadbury Factory at Marlbrook, viewed from the churchyard at St. Mary's of Hope at Hope-Under-Dinmore.
Image: © Fabian Musto
Taken: 4 Apr 2018
0.04 miles
Cadbury Factory
Image: © Anthony Parkes
Taken: 13 Jul 2019
0.04 miles
Cadbury's factory at Marlbrook
Between camera and the factory are the new and old Hereford roads, A49 and B4361 respectively, running parallel at this point.
Image: © Jonathan Billinger
Taken: 5 Jan 2016
0.05 miles
Cadbury's factory at Marlbrook
Taken across the A49. The whole area smells of chocolate because of this factory.
Image: © John Winder
Taken: 18 Apr 2014
0.06 miles
Cadbury's Marlbrook factory
This Cadbury factory processes 180 million litres of milk, 56,000 tonnes of sugar and 13,000 tonnes of cocoa liquor each year to produce milk chocolate crumb, this is then blended with cocoa butter. It is then refined and turned into milk chocolate at other locations.
Image: © Philip Halling
Taken: 27 Jan 2022
0.06 miles
Part of the Cadbury factory at Marlbrook near Leominster
It was on the news several years ago, when the vats here leaked and caused food poisoning. News item here https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/health/news/3341982/Cadbury-bars-most-likely-cause-of-food-poisoning.html
Image: © Jeremy Bolwell
Taken: 9 Oct 2019
0.06 miles