History board, Little Chalfont Nature Park
Image: © Bryn Holmes
Taken: 17 Oct 2023
0.07 miles
Little Chalfont Nature Park, Cokes Lane
Image: © Bryn Holmes
Taken: 17 Oct 2023
0.10 miles
Bench, Little Chalfont Nature Park
Image: © Bryn Holmes
Taken: 17 Oct 2023
0.10 miles
Little Chalfont Nature Park, Cokes Lane
Image: © Bryn Holmes
Taken: 17 Oct 2023
0.10 miles
Art, Little Chalfont Nature Park
Image: © Bryn Holmes
Taken: 17 Oct 2023
0.10 miles
Information Board in Little Chalfont Nature Park (1)
This information board in Little Chalfont Nature Park off Cokes Lane HP7 9QA, has the following wording:
The History
Left hand side
a) Cherry Orchard
The orchard where the Nature Park is situated was originally a cherry orchard which were very common in the area.
Cherry trees were well spaced and, because the trees were so tall, very long ladders were needed to pick the fruit. The ladders had a wide base for stability.
After the harvest, celebrations took place in local Inns and villages where cherry pies were eaten by all.
The photograph shows a cherry orchard (1926) Great/Little Missenden.
Below it is the wording "Prestwood Black - a small dessert cherry. The local term for these cherries was 'chuggles'".
b) Brickmaking
There are still hollows in the ground in several places in the Nature Park showing where clay was dug, dating back to the time when there was a brickworks at Snell's Farm. Snells Wood Court stands on the actual site of the former brickworks. The first brickmaker recorded was Thomas Andrew in 1841 and the last was Albert Saunders in 1901.
The two photographs show 'Moulding the clay' and 'Digging for clay'. They were taken at HG Matthews Brickworks at Bellingdon in the early 20th Century and show what Snell's Farm brickworks probably looked like at the time.
The History of Little Chalfont Nature Park
The approximate boundary of the Nature Park has been superimposed on to the 1876 map of the area. Cokes Lane is shown where it joins the A404 at Nightingales Corner but neither of these places is named. At this time, Snell's Farm was a working farm and the current Nature Park was an orchard. Because it has never been sprayed with chemicals, the meadow is rich in wild flowers.
On the map, the Area of Nature Park is shaded in green.
Right hand side
a) Ancient Woodland
The wooded area, originally part of Snell's Wood, is designated semi-natural ancient woodland.
In the woodland area, you will notice low banks with often bushes and trees growing on them. These are ancient field boundaries so we are keen to protect them. Many of the large trees along them started out as hedging plants.
The two photographs show i) This hornbeam is thought to be over 200 years old, and ii) The woodland in 2013, before it was cleared.
b) The Sculpture Park
Between 1994 and 2008, Bryan Montgomery of Snell's Farm used the meadow area to promote outdoor sculptures through public open days each summer.
In 2016 Little Chalfont Nature Park was opened to the public throughout the year.
The two photographs show i) 'Sloping Form' in Portland limestone by Otto Horvath from Hungary, and ii) 'Breath' by Slawomir Brzoska from Poland.
Image: © David Hillas
Taken: 11 Aug 2018
0.13 miles
Information Board in Little Chalfont Nature Park (2)
Located in Little Chalfont Nature Park off Cokes Lane HP7 9QA, this information board has the following wording:
The Meadow
Left hand side
The Grassland
This type of meadow, once commonplace, has declined by 90% since the 1930s and is now rare in England. It has lots of different types of plants and supports rich insect life, particularly the endangered British bee population.
The meadow must be cut late summer, the grass left for a few days to drop its seeds and then the hay is raked up. This ensures the soil remains unfertilised. The resulting set of wildflowers is known as MGS Grassland or 'Old Meadow' and is typified by Common Knapweed, Bird's-foot trefoil, Red Fescue and Pignut. The woodland and especially bramble has a tendency to encroach the meadow so will be kept in check regularly.
Surrounding this description are the following photos:
i) Bird's-foot-trefoil (Lotus corniculatus)
Seed pods look like a bird's foot; also known as Bacon-and-eggs because the buds are often orange' food plant for caterpillars of the Common Blue butterfly.
ii) Bluebell (Hyacinthoides non-scripta)
Associated with ancient woodland, a protected species, rich in pollen and nectar and chiefly pollinated by bumblebees.
iii) Germander Speedwell (Veronica chamaedrys)
Also known as Bird's eye because of the very pretty blue flowers with a white eye edged with purple.
iv) Common Knapweed (Centaurea nigra)
Part of the daisy family, bright purple flowers, also known as 'Hardheads'.
v) Yellow-rattle (Rhinanthus minor)
In olden days, the rattling of the ripe seed heads told farmers when to cut the hay.
vi) Common Spotted-orchid (Dactylorchiza fuchsia)
Pink flowers (occasionally white) marked with loops and dots and spotted leaves that give the plant its name. Blooms between June and August.
vii) Pignut (Conopodium majus)
Pretty white flowers like lace; in the same family as carrots and parsnips and has an edible root that pigs love to dig up, so should really be called Pigroot!
Our Birds
Much of our native grassland has been lost to the ploughs or 'improved' by farmers who often seed with fast growing non-native species or use insecticides or selective herbicides. Such areas are very poor at supporting wildlife and birds particularly have declined at an alarming rate over the years. This has not happened here and that is why this site is so important.
Being surrounded by human development you should expect to find here many of the birds seen in your garden such as robins, blackbirds, dunnocks, chaffinches, magpies and woodpigeons, not to mention the tit family.
The margins of the woodland are very important for many birds such as wrens, bullfinches and long-tailed tits. Siskins and tiny goldcrests are also present, blackcaps are mostly summer visitors and in the autumn redwings come, attracted by the red berries in the Park.
Don't forget to look up. You may see a red kite with its distinctive forked tail or a buzzard wheeling high in the sky and in the summer there are house martins, swallows and swifts.
Keep still and listen and you may hear the distinctive call of a chiffchaff or, in the spring, a great spotted woodpecker drumming to proclaim its territory.
For a real treat come to the Park very early one morning and stand quietly on the edge of the wood. If you are very lucky you may see an owl in silent flight over the meadow, listening for a field mouse or vole moving through the grass.
Surrounding this description are photos of the following birds:
Chaffinch, Song Thrush, Tawny Owl, Bullfinch, Blackcap, Great Spotted Woodpecker, Red Kite and Green Woodpecker.
Right hand side
Butterflies and Ants
At certain times of the year you can see mounds in the meadow which can be over 30cm high. They are ant hills which have been left undisturbed for decades. They are favourites of green woodpeckers who love to eat the ants and various blue butterflies whose larvae are protected by the ants inside the ant hills.
Many of the country's rarer butterflies are now confined to tiny island-like nature reserves in parks just like ours.
All of the butterflies pictured here have been spotted in the Park but it will depend on the time of year and good eyesight. During warmer months, look out for Small Tortoiseshell, Common Blue, Gatekeeper, Brimstone, Red Admiral, Peacock, Large and Small Whites and Small copper butterflies.
Surrounding this description are photos of the following butterflies and moths: Six-spot Burnet Moth, Orange-tip, Ringlet, Common Blue, Marbled White, Small Copper, Brimstone, Large Skipper, Meadow Brown, Small Tortoiseshell, Speckled Wood and Green-veined White.
Image: © David Hillas
Taken: 11 Aug 2018
0.13 miles
Little Chalfont Nature Park, Cokes Lane
Image: © Bryn Holmes
Taken: 17 Oct 2023
0.13 miles
Entrance to Little Chalfont Nature Park
This photo shows the entrance gates to the Little Chalfont Nature Park which is located off Cokes Lane, HP7 9QA. It has been described as a hidden gem in the Chilterns and is open daily from dawn to dusk.
Image: © David Hillas
Taken: 11 Aug 2018
0.15 miles
Information Board at entrance to Little Chalfont Nature Park
This information board is located at the entrance to Little Chalfont Nature Park off Cokes Lane HP7 9QA. It has the following wording:
Welcome to Little Chalfont Nature Park
Left hand side
In 2011 a public appeal raised enough money in just seven weeks to purchase 4.6 acres of land, close to the village centre and so the foundations for Little Chalfont Nature Park were laid.
Why a Nature Park?
With very little open space in the village centre for the community to enjoy, the vision of the new owners was to create a very special park for the benefit of all - a place not just for relaxation and learning but also for the conservation of some unique features.
Foxes, owls, rabbits, roe and muntjac deer have been seen on the land and there is evidence that badgers pass through. At the time of opening it is also home to at least 15 species of birds and 37 species of insects. The mature trees that surround the grass on three sides shelter it from the noises of everyday life, creating a very tranquil space. Study of the meadow has established it as a particular type of grassland, known as 'old meadow' that is increasingly rare and worthy of conservation and it is right here, in the heart of the village.
To the right of this wording is an image of a Bumblebee on Common Knapweed, whilst below it is an image of the meadow in summer, with the wording: Our very special meadow and woodland, a place for the tranquil enjoyment of nature.
Right hand side
Created by The People of Little Chalfont
For The People of Little Chalfont
The park has been laid out such that all ages and abilities have something to enjoy. Throughout the year, we hope you witness the regeneration of the cherry orchard; bring a picnic to the park; visit the children's play area and our sensory garden; or simply relax on sculpted benches while the long grasses wave and butterflies flit amongst the wildflower meadow.
One time orchard, hay field and sculpture park, this is a sanctuary for everybody - a hidden gem in the Chilterns.
Below this wording is an image of cherry trees in blossom.
At the bottom right hand corner is the wording:
The Nature Park Code. Please respect our nature park
Open to people during daylight hours only. Wildlife welcome anytime.
Be careful of uneven ground and nature's attempts with roots and ridges, tussocks and tendrils to trip you up. Remember, you are not a muntjac!
No Dogs No Smoking No Barbecues or Camping
No Ball Games No Bikes or Scooters No Horses
No Public Right of Way - This is a permissive path for pedestrians.
It is not a dedicated right of way and will be closed at certain times of year for essential forestry and maintenance work. Otherwise feel free to walk, wheelchair, stroller-ride, jog and skip to your heart's delight. Thank You.
In the middle of the noticeboard is a map of the park whilst to its right is the wording: Welcome to your park!
Image: © David Hillas
Taken: 11 Aug 2018
0.15 miles