Old milestone by A643 junction with Crosland Road
At the south west corner of Crosland Road at its junction with Lindley Moor Road. The south face. This square stone has on its left, south facing face the remnants of the legend To/Brighouse/III miles/hand pointing left/Marſden/5 miles/ hand to right. On the front, facing east, To/Milsbrige/2ms/hand to left/Hallifax 4/ hand to right/Am Mallinson/Surveyor/1755. Am is for Abraham. The miles are 'Customary' miles. Statutory distances Milnsbridge 3, Halifax 4, Brighouse 4, Marsden 6 Grade II listed.
In 2017 houses were to be built in the field behind the stone.
Image: © Chris Minto
Taken: 4 May 2017
0.03 miles
Old milestone
Two years after having been reset a few metres from its original site on the corner of Lindley Moor Road and Crosland Road this 1755 dated stone is almost invisible.
But the left face is inscribed To/(B)rigouse/III mile(s)/hand pointing left/(M)arſden/5 miles/hand pointing right. (ſ for s in Marsden).
Centre face - To/(M)ilsbridge/2ms/hand to left/Hallif(ax) 4/hand to right/Am Mall ( )/Surveyo(r)/1755. Am Mall is for Abraham Mallinson. The hands are large, elegant and cuffed. It is Grade II* listed 1403442.
Image: © Chris Minto
Taken: 16 Jul 2023
0.03 miles
Old Milestone, A643, Lindley Moor Road, junction with Crossland Road
The milestone is located on the south west corner of the junction, having been recently moved a short distance as part of planned site development. Carved stone post, erected in the 18th century.
For the original location, see https://www.geograph.org.uk/photo/6743189 , https://www.geograph.org.uk/photo/6743211 , https://www.geograph.org.uk/photo/6757544.
Inscription reads:- South East face: To / (B)righouse / iii mile(s). / {hand pointing right} Marsden 5 miles {Hand pointing left} : North East face: To / Milnsbridge / 2 miles / {Hand pointing left} / (H)all(i)f(ax) / 4 mls / {hand pointing right} / A Mallin(son) / Surveyo(r) / 1755 :
Grade II* Listed. List Entry Number: 1403442, https://historicengland.org.uk/listing/the-list/list-entry/1403442
Milestone Society National ID: YW_XHUDf
Image: © David Garside
Taken: 12 Apr 2021
0.03 miles
Old Milestone, A643, Lindley Moor Road, junction with Crossland Road
The milestone is located on the south west corner of the junction, having been recently moved a short distance as part of planned site development. Carved stone post, erected in the 18th century.
For the original location, see https://www.geograph.org.uk/photo/6743189 , https://www.geograph.org.uk/photo/6743211 , and https://www.geograph.org.uk/photo/6757544
Inscription reads:- South East face: To / (B)righouse / iii mile(s). / {hand pointing right} Marsden 5 miles {Hand pointing left} : North East face: To / Milnsbridge / 2 miles / {Hand pointing left} / (H)all(i)f(ax) / 4 mls / {hand pointing right} / A Mallin(son) / Surveyo(r) / 1755 :
Grade II* Listed. List Entry Number: 1403442 https://historicengland.org.uk/listing/the-list/list-entry/1403442
Milestone Society National ID: YW_XHUDf
Image: © Milestone Society
Taken: 10 Mar 2021
0.03 miles
Old Milestone by the A643, Lindley Moor Road, Huddersfield Parish
By the A643, in parish of Huddersfield (Kirklees District), Lindley Moor Road junction with Crosland Road, South West corner - North East face.
See also South West face:
Inscription reads:- South East face: To / (B)righouse / iii mile(s). / {hand pointing right} Marsden 5 miles {Hand pointing left} : North East face: To / Milnsbridge / 2 miles / {Hand pointing left} / (H)all(i)f(ax) / 4 mls / {hand pointing right} / A Mallin(son) / Surveyo(r) / 1755 :
Ordnance Survey cut benchmark on South East face.
Grade II* Listed. List Entry Number: 1403442
Milestone Society National ID: YW_XHUDf
Image: © Milestone Society
Taken: Unknown
0.03 miles
Old Milestone by the A643, Lindley Moor Road, Huddersfield Parish
By the A643, in parish of Huddersfield (Kirklees District), Lindley Moor Road junction with Crosland Road, South West corner.
Inscription reads:- South East face: To / (B)righouse / iii mile(s). / {hand pointing right} Marsden 5 miles {Hand pointing left} : North East face: To / Milnsbridge / 2 miles / {Hand pointing left} / (H)all(i)f(ax) / 4 mls / {hand pointing right} / A Mallin(son) / Surveyo(r) / 1755 :
Ordnance Survey cut benchmark on South East face.
Grade II* Listed. List Entry Number: 1403442
Milestone Society National ID: YW_XHUDf
Image: © Milestone Society
Taken: Unknown
0.03 miles
Road junction
The junction of Crosland Road with Lindley Moor Road
Image: © Alexander P Kapp
Taken: 19 Aug 2009
0.06 miles
Guidestone, Lindley Moor Road / Crosland Road, Lindley cum Quarmby
This was erected by A Mallinson, Surveyor, 1755. It was at a crossroads, and the directions for Lindley Moor Road are Brighouse III miles (why a Roman number?), Marsden 5 miles, and for the cross road Milsbridge 2 miles (via Crosland Road), Halifax 4 miles. The road to Halifax no longer exists; a track to Haigh House Hill is shown on the OS 6” map of c.1940, and from there a lane goes to Kew Hill. This track has now been severed by the M62. The cross road was not shown by Jeffreys on his map of 1775. W B Crump states in his book on Huddersfield Highways that the guidestone used to be in the middle of Crosland Road.
Image: © Humphrey Bolton
Taken: 28 Jun 2007
0.06 miles
The old way to Halifax, Longwood
This is on Lindley Moor Road, opposite Crosland Road. An 18C guide stone points the way to Halifax down this lane, when all the routes in this area were no better than packhorse tracks. It is deliberately obstructed, but this is probably just to discourage fly-tipping as the lane is now severed by the motorway.
Image: © Humphrey Bolton
Taken: 12 Feb 2008
0.06 miles
Cattle waiting in a field, taken from Lindley Moor Road, Quarmby
This would've been better as a video-clip. Very soon after the photo was taken the farmer opened the gate on the middle-left and all the cattle went through; last of all was a very slow bull, though no doubt still good at his job. The sheep in the background stayed put - it was presumably their field.
Image: © Humphrey Bolton
Taken: 9 Sep 2006
0.07 miles