A323 Aldershot Road, Ash
Towards Aldershot.
Image: © Robin Webster
Taken: 22 Aug 2020
0.03 miles
Flats on Aldershot Road, Ash
Image: © David Howard
Taken: 14 Aug 2016
0.07 miles
The Greyhound roundabout, Ash, Surrey
This roundabout welcomes drivers to Ash, looking from the west. In the centre are a group of standing stones, presumably commemorating something? The Greyhound is a very old timber-framed building and was the first pub in the village. The greyhound name comes from the coat-of-arms of the Gaynesford family of Poyle Manor, to the south not far away.
Image: © Humphrey Bolton
Taken: 24 Jan 2006
0.08 miles
Road sign, A323, Ash
Image: © N Chadwick
Taken: 15 Jan 2012
0.13 miles
Japonica Court, Shawfield Road, Ash, Surrey
Japonica Court is a 60-flat extra-care sheltered housing scheme.
Image: © Humphrey Bolton
Taken: 24 Jan 2006
0.16 miles
Primary School, Ash Street, Ash, Surrey
There is a much larger modern school building in playing fields behind, but this old building has been retained. The bay windows under the gables are unusual for a school, and must be a modern addition, but the green ventilators on the roofs are typical.
Image: © Humphrey Bolton
Taken: 24 Jan 2006
0.17 miles
Walsh Schools, Ash: October 2023
The school is named after The Rev Octavius Walsh. https://archive.org/details/alumnioxonienses04univuoft/page/1492/mode/2up Sadly he died in 1916. Departing this month were Manchester footballing greats Frannie Lee (2nd October 2023) and Bobby Charlton (21st); my absolute favourite cartoonist Tony Husband (18th); Coronation Street's Gordon Clegg and later Everton chairman (23rd) ; and finally, actor Matthew Perry, Chandler from Friends (28th).
Image: © Basher Eyre
Taken: 31 Oct 2023
0.19 miles
Azor Place, Ash Street, Ash, Surrey
This is my favourite of the old houses of Ash. The cross-wing on the right was an early 18C addition, dated 1717 in large figures in the brickwork (unfortunately hidden by the hedge in this view), and has an attractive sundial. The houses at the end of the drive on the left were converted from a barn in the 1950s, so it would seem that Azor Place was a farmhouse. Azor was the name of the Saxon holder of the manor in the Domesday Book.
Image: © Humphrey Bolton
Taken: 24 Jan 2006
0.21 miles
Crooke's Cottages, Ash Street, Ash, Surrey
The Bricklayer's Arms to the left was a brewery. It has since been demolished to make way for houses. The brewery had a field at the back to grow hops; there is now a school on the site. Crooke's Cottages were built as staff quarters for the hop pickers.
Image: © Humphrey Bolton
Taken: 24 Jan 2006
0.21 miles
Looking north-east in Ash Road
Here in Ash where I work there was a lot of mild weather in the first half of the month; but when half term came, as often happens, there was a lot more wind and rain. However, today it was mild enough for me to walk to the shops without a coat
Image: © Basher Eyre
Taken: 31 Oct 2023
0.21 miles