The photo was taken on a Doors Open Day in West Dunbartonshire; the Masonic Temple was one of the buildings I was shown around. On that occasion, I was able to pick up some material about the history of the building, some of which is summarized below (I also had recommended to me, by the hosts, the viewpoint from which I took this photo; for a view in a much wider context, see
Click on the end-note title for other views of the building and its architectural details.
Its construction began in 1888, and was funded by the industrialist William Ewing Gilmour, who was prominent in the local textiles industry; the architect was J A Campbell.
It was originally built as The Institute for Working Girls, complementing a similar Ewing Gilmour Institute (which was for men) at the other end of the street:
Image; the street was renamed Gilmour Street, in honour of the benefactor, but it had formerly been called Fountain Street.
The building was presented to the Scots Girls' Friendly Society upon its completion in 1891. That society later disbanded, and, when it became available in 1921, the building was acquired for use as a Masonic Temple.
Above the main entrance, an inscription, flanked by the dates 1826 and 1921, reads:
Lodge Bonhill and Alexandria
St Andrew's Royal Arch
Masonic Temple
No 321
These are obviously later additions, but above them are what must be original features of the building: the Clan Gilmour crest, with their motto "Nil penna sed usus", meaning "not the quill/pen, but its use" – compare
Image For details from that part of the building, see
The building also features stained glass windows by J W Guthrie of Glasgow. Interior decorations include paintings by Harrington Mann; the first of these to be completed was "Duties and Industries of Women" (which is clearly linked with the original use of the building). The same artist also painted several cloister panels which illustrate Scottish pastoral ballads.