The Donkey Stable above Clovelly
Inside the stable accommodation for the village donkeys. Two of them remained indoors behind the gate, whilst several of the other residents had been taken out for a late afternoon stroll by the time we were looking for them (don't be fooled by the one in the stall on the right; it's a model)
Image: © Richard Law
Taken: 27 Dec 2016
0.01 miles
Clovelly's donkeys
Not too happy to be taken out of the warm stable into the showery weather. They are used to carry goods up and down the cobbled streets, and give rides to children.
Image: © Pauline E
Taken: 20 May 2009
0.01 miles
Donkey stables, Clovelly
The street in Clovelly is extremely steep and in places so narrow that even today it is not possible to get motor vehicles into the village. In days gone by any goods that needed to be carried up the street were carried on the donkeys. The donkeys never carry goods down the street as the sledges are used for that.
Image: © Eirian Evans
Taken: 24 Nov 2009
0.02 miles
Clovelly donkeys
The street in Clovelly is extremely steep and in places so narrow that even today it is not possible to get motor vehicles into the village. In days gone by any goods that needed to be carried up the street were carried on the donkeys. The donkeys never carry goods down the street as the sledges are used for that. They still occasionally carry luggage up from the New Inn. Also, in summer, the donkeys give children's rides around their meadow and can be seen posing for photos in the street. In winter the local children ride and drive them in the woods.
Image: © Eirian Evans
Taken: 24 Nov 2009
0.02 miles
Clovelly : Footpath
A footpath which heads down the hill.
Image: © Lewis Clarke
Taken: 6 Aug 2023
0.03 miles
Entrance to the pottery and stables, Clovelly
Not sure about the building on the left, one sign says police station, the other says medical centre.
Image: © Pauline E
Taken: 20 May 2009
0.03 miles
The Visitor Centre at Clovelly
Image: © Steve Daniels
Taken: 29 Jun 2009
0.03 miles
Start of the descent to Clovelly
The fishing village of Clovelly is built into a cleft in a 400' high cliff. This is the top of the steep cobbled path down from the Visitor Centre to the village.
Image: © Eirian Evans
Taken: 24 Nov 2009
0.03 miles
Inside the Visitor Centre, Clovelly
The start of the many steps to the harbour. This is a large centre with cafe and shops and ample parking outside.
Image: © Pauline E
Taken: 20 May 2009
0.03 miles
Lifeboat at Clovelly
After you walk through the exhibition centre, you walk past the old lifeboat on your way down to the village.
Image: © Neil Kennedy
Taken: 22 Aug 2004
0.04 miles