Fresh Snow in Barnet
Image: © Bikeboy
Taken: 18 Dec 2010
0.04 miles
Path between Fitzjohn Av and Manor Road
This path links Mays Lane with Wood Street going through the Old Court Recreation Ground. The gardens of Fitzjohn Av. back onto the east (right) side and those of Manor Rd back onto the west side. It is always quite overgrown and gloomy. A stream appears during wet weather, crossing the path and disappearing into the gardens of Fitzjohn Av. The stream is visible on old maps made before the houses were built early in the 20th century.
Image: © Bikeboy
Taken: 14 Jun 2012
0.06 miles
Children's playground in the Old Court Recreation Ground
The big yellow castle thing on the left is the oldest structure here-it is at least 15 years old. All the other stuff is quite new. Until about 10 years ago there was a large old tree in the middle (to the right of the yellow castle). It was chopped down, the stump was pulped and the hole filled in and covered in the soft spongy stuff they use for covering playgrounds-not like when I was a kid-knocking my head on concrete never did me any harm!
Image: © Bikeboy
Taken: 14 Jun 2012
0.09 miles
Bowling green and pavilion in Old Court House Recreation Ground
Confirming preconceptions and stereotypes, I'm afraid all the people you see bowling here are elderly.
Image: © Bikeboy
Taken: 14 Jun 2012
0.09 miles
Tennis Court Conservation Area at the back of Fitzjohn Avenue
See http://www.geograph.org.uk/photo/2992765 for a picture of the other tennis courts. This was the last one of the series and was very overgrown with weeds growing through the tarmac etc. When Barnet Council renovated the other courts they decided to leave this one as it was. It is an interesting experiment in how plants reclaim developed areas as well as providing a habitat for plants and insects etc in a built up area.
Image: © Bikeboy
Taken: 14 Jun 2012
0.10 miles
Manor Road
Looking down the hill into the valley carved by Dollis Brook. The green fields in the distance lend this aspect of Barnet an almost rural air - arable and dairy farming are still carried out on the south side of the brook between Barnet and Totteridge.
Below, a 184 bus begins the long grind up the hill to Wood Street. The clouds that have given a grey Remembrance Day are breaking up and it's going to be a sunny late autumn afternoon.
Image: © Martin Addison
Taken: 8 Nov 2009
0.10 miles
Inter-war houses, Manor Road, Barnet
The concrete sunburst on the left-hand house is a very typical 1930s motif.
Image: © Christopher Hilton
Taken: 21 Mar 2016
0.11 miles
Old Court Recreation Ground
A bad time to take this photo as they have just cleared the spring flower beds before replanting them in summer. The houses in the background are those of Orchard Avenue (c1900). There was an orchard here prior to the building of the houses.
Image: © Bikeboy
Taken: 14 Jun 2012
0.12 miles
Houses in Bedford Avenue
Suburban architecture doesn't have to be bland.
Image: © Des Blenkinsopp
Taken: 24 Oct 2013
0.13 miles
Manor Road, Barnet
Image: © Christopher Hilton
Taken: 21 Mar 2016
0.14 miles