Garden of St Peter's Church, London Docks
St Peter’s Church was consecrated on 30th June 1866. The church was the first Anglican mission to the poor of London. Further work was done to the church in the 1930s, and finished in 1940, only to be immediately destroyed by a bomb in the Blitz. Repairs were completed in 1949. The church was completely renovated in 1985. It is Grade I Listed.
It has a very interesting history as can be seen at https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/St_Peter%27s,_London_Docks and https://www.ianvisits.co.uk/blog/2010/12/05/a-look-around-st-peters-church-in-london-docks/
This tiny garden is off the south side of the nave. See https://www.geograph.org.uk/photo/6991761 for a photograph of the interior of the church.
Image: © Marathon
Taken: 14 Dec 2021
0.01 miles
Courtyard approach to St Peter?s Church, Wapping
Colourful but gloomy in mid-October. The camera hasn't coped with the shaft of bright sunshine lighting the bottom of the stairs, left. See John Salmon's photos of the church at https://www.geograph.org.uk/browser/#!/q=peters/loc=TQ3480%20Wapping/dist=2000/realname+%22John+Salmon%22
Image: © Robin Stott
Taken: 13 Oct 2018
0.01 miles
St Peter's London Docks, Wapping Lane - Font cover hoist
Image: © John Salmon
Taken: 5 Nov 2002
0.01 miles
St Peter's London Docks, Wapping Lane - Window
Image: © John Salmon
Taken: 5 Nov 2002
0.01 miles
St Peter's Church, London Docks
St Peter’s Church was consecrated on 30th June 1866. The church was the first Anglican mission to the poor of London. Further work was done to the church in the 1930s, and finished in 1940, only to be immediately destroyed by a bomb in the Blitz. Repairs were completed in 1949. The church was completely renovated in 1985. It is Grade I Listed.
It has a very interesting history as can be seen at https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/St_Peter%27s,_London_Docks and https://www.ianvisits.co.uk/blog/2010/12/05/a-look-around-st-peters-church-in-london-docks/
This is the entrance seen from Wapping Lane. Other photographs can be seen at https://www.geograph.org.uk/photo/6991760 and https://www.geograph.org.uk/photo/6991761
Image: © Marathon
Taken: 13 Oct 2021
0.01 miles
The entrance to St Peter's Church, London Docks
St Peter’s Church was consecrated on 30th June 1866. The church was the first Anglican mission to the poor of London. Further work was done to the church in the 1930s, and finished in 1940, only to be immediately destroyed by a bomb in the Blitz. Repairs were completed in 1949. The church was completely renovated in 1985. It is Grade I Listed.
It has a very interesting history as can be seen at https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/St_Peter%27s,_London_Docks and https://www.ianvisits.co.uk/blog/2010/12/05/a-look-around-st-peters-church-in-london-docks/
This is the way through to the church from Wapping Lane. Other photographs can be seen at https://www.geograph.org.uk/photo/6991759 and https://www.geograph.org.uk/photo/6991761
Image: © Marathon
Taken: 13 Oct 2021
0.01 miles
Plaque to Lincoln Stanhope Wainright, St Peter?s Vicarage, Wapping Lane, Wapping
It reads:
Vicar of St.Peter's, London Docks
lived here 1884-1929
A closer view is Derek Harper's
Image: © Robin Stott
Taken: 13 Oct 2018
0.01 miles
St Peters Church Wapping
St Peter’s London Docks is the Anglican Parish Church of Wapping, ‘from the Prospect of Whitby to Tower Bridge’. St Peter’s was the first Anglican mission to the poor of London. Work was begun in 1856 by The Revd CF Lowder MA and a group of priests. http://www.stpeterslondondocks.org.uk/
Image: © Paul Gillett
Taken: 18 Oct 2009
0.02 miles
An inscription and a notice, St Peter?s Church Clergy House by Wapping Lane, Wapping
The stone tablet reads: This Clergy House / was erected to the Memory of / Charles Fuge Lowder / – Priest – / who Founded in A.D. 1856 / the S. George's Mission / and in 1866 this Parish of / S. Peter, London Docks / of which he was Vicar until / his Death on 9th. September 1880 / — / "He being dead, yet speaketh"
The notice reads: Diocese of London / Fulham Jurisdiction / Church of Saint Peter / London Docks / An Anglo-Catholic Mission Church / proclaiming the Gospel of / Jesus Christ to the people / of Wapping since 1856 / You are welcome here / — / This Parish is staffed by the Society of the Holy Cross (SSC)
Image: © Robin Stott
Taken: 13 Oct 2018
0.02 miles
St Peter's London Docks, Wapping Lane - Chapel
Image: © John Salmon
Taken: 5 Nov 2002
0.02 miles