Ionic capital, Vestry House Museum, Walthamstow, London E17
Situated outside the Vestry House Museum, this Ionic capital is a survivor from the General Post Office building in the City of London demolished in 1912. But how did it get there, and why?
Image: © Jim Osley
Taken: 1 Mar 2010
0.01 miles
The Ancient House
This 15th century building has come under the watchful care of the Fuller family who have twice overseen major restoration work, firstly in 1934 and more recently in 2002.
Image: © Stuart Shepherd
Taken: 3 Jul 2009
0.01 miles
Mary Squires Almshouses, Church Path, Walthamstow
The six almshouses of Mrs Mary Squires were founded in 1795 to give shelter to six widows of local tradesmen. All tenants had to be members of the Church of England, over 50 years old and of good moral character. If accepted there were many rules governing behaviour. In return for obedience to these, the widows would be housed rent free and receive £12 per annum, coals after Christmas and a loaf each Sunday. Mrs Squires as a widow was very much concerned with the well-being of the local poor. She died in 1796 and the almshouses are virtually unchanged today.
Image: © Marathon
Taken: 29 Nov 2019
0.01 miles
Former fire engine house, Walthamstow
The plaque tells us that it housed the parish hand operated fire engine for most of the 19th century.
Image: © Robin Webster
Taken: 15 Jan 2011
0.01 miles
Walthamstow's 19th Century Fire Engine House
For most of the 19th Century this small building housed the Walthamstow Parish Fire Engine. Manually operated and originally hand drawn. It was adapted to Horse in 1863.
Image: © Richard Dunn
Taken: 6 Mar 2011
0.01 miles
Path through St Mary's Churchyard, Walthamstow Village
St Mary's Church is very much at the centre of Walthamstow Village - an Essex village which has been engulfed in the London sprawl. The west tower, aisles and chancel chapels were built during the reign of Henry VIIIth. The church was altered and enlarged in 1818 and again in 1843. On 6th April 1673 Richard Penn and on 4th March 1681 Lady Penn were buried. They were the brother and mother of William Penn, the founder of Pennsylvania.
This view along a path through the churchyard on a rather wet January afternoon looks towards a 15th century half-timbered house which rests on a more modern brick restoration work. It is on the corner of Church Lane and Orford Road.
Image: © Marathon
Taken: 15 Jan 2014
0.02 miles
Path through St Mary's Churchyard, Walthamstow Village
St Mary's Church is very much at the centre of Walthamstow Village - an Essex village which has been engulfed in the London sprawl. The west tower, aisles and chancel chapels were built during the reign of Henry VIIIth. The church was altered and enlarged in 1818 and again in 1843. On 6th April 1673 Richard Penn and on 4th March 1681 Lady Penn were buried. They were the brother and mother of William Penn, the founder of Pennsylvania.
This view along a path through the churchyard looks towards a 15th century half-timbered house which rests on a more modern brick restoration work. The house is the oldest house in Walthamstow and one of the oldest in north-east London. It is on the corner of Church Lane and Orford Road.
Image: © Marathon
Taken: 29 Nov 2019
0.02 miles
Walthamstow Village
St Mary's Church is very much at the centre of Walthamstow Village - an Essex village which has been engulfed in the London sprawl. The west tower, aisles and chancel chapels were built during the reign of Henry VIIIth. The church was altered and enlarged in 1818 and again in 1843. On 6th April 1673 Richard Penn and on 4th March 1681 Lady Penn were buried. They were the brother and mother of William Penn, the founder of Pennsylvania.
This view along a path through the churchyard looks towards a 15th century half-timbered house which rests on a more modern brick restoration work. The house is the oldest house in Walthamstow and one of the oldest in north-east London. It is on the corner of Church Lane and Orford Road.
Image: © Marathon
Taken: 29 Nov 2019
0.02 miles
Church Lane and Church End, E17
Shows the location of
Image: © Mike Quinn
Taken: 17 Jul 2008
0.02 miles
St Mary's Churchyard, Walthamstow Village
St Mary's Church is very much at the centre of Walthamstow Village - an Essex village which has been engulfed in the London sprawl. The west tower, aisles and chancel chapels were built during the reign of Henry VIIIth. The church was altered and enlarged in 1818 and again in 1843. On 6th April 1673 Richard Penn and on 4th March 1681 Lady Penn were buried. They were the brother and mother of William Penn, the founder of Pennsylvania.
This view was taken on a very wet and miserable January afternoon. The Victorian post box adds a welcome dash of colour.
Image: © Marathon
Taken: 29 Jan 2014
0.02 miles