Remnants of the Mount Pleasant Factory, Churchfields, Kidderminster
The former Tomkinson and Adam carpet factory. Construction started pre-1875. Carpet production finally finished in 2003 and the site is in multiple occupancy as the Churchfields Business Park. The three storey building in the background is a wool store known as the 1902 building and is on the Local List of historic buildings. Quite a bit of the site has been demolished but three buildings are on the Local List.
Image: © Chris Allen
Taken: 17 Jul 2015
0.05 miles
Broad Street in Kidderminster
Image: © Mat Fascione
Taken: 9 Sep 2020
0.06 miles
Former Tomkinson & Adam carpet works, Mount Pleasant, Kidderminster
A large carpet works dating back to 1875. In 1999 Tomkinsons joined Gaskells plc to form the country's third largest carpet manufacturer. It appears that Gaskells sold the Kidderminster property c2004 but I am not sure of its current status.
Image: © Chris Allen
Taken: 17 Jul 2015
0.07 miles
Remnants of the Mount Pleasant Factory, Churchfields, Kidderminster
The former Tomkinson and Adam carpet factory. Construction started pre-1875. Carpet production finally finished in 2003 and the site is in multiple occupancy. The three storey building in the background is a wool store known as the 1902 building and is on the Local List of historic buildings. The closer buildings are thought to be a dyehouse and carry the date 1932.
Image: © Chris Allen
Taken: 17 Jul 2015
0.07 miles
Old carpet industry buildings near Churchfields
The brick built buildings were part of the Tomkinsons Carpets complex that used to be in this area. Not all of the Tomkinsons buildings survive.
Image: © P L Chadwick
Taken: 21 Mar 2010
0.08 miles
Kwik-Fit, 20 Churchfields, Kidderminster
Tucked away in what is now a back street, in the Horsefair area of Kidderminster, is this Kwik-Fit centre which replaces tyres, exhausts, brakes etc. It is also a MOT test centre.
Image: © P L Chadwick
Taken: 3 Jul 2011
0.08 miles
Broad Street in Kidderminster
Image: © Mat Fascione
Taken: 24 Dec 2022
0.08 miles
New and old in Horsefair
New housing next to abandoned housing, which will presumably be replaced with new at some point. They have been in this state for well over a year, at least.
Image: © P L Chadwick
Taken: 1 Jan 2009
0.09 miles
Horsefair (corner of Churchfields)
The roads on the left and in the immediate foreground are two of the three sides of Horsefair
Image The closed public convenience can be seen in the foreground and behind are a row of closed and boarded up shops etc. The street ahead in the distance is Churchfields, which has a lot of industrial premises fronting it; many still in use. The road going off to the right is Broad Street, which is partly industrial then residential.
Image: © P L Chadwick
Taken: 1 Jan 2009
0.09 miles
Horse statue (1), Horsefair, Kidderminster
This is a new statue of a galloping horse, unveiled on the 30th June 2011. It was made by Hertfordshire based artist, Tom Hill, from more than 500 old horseshoes. It is in the central triangle of land in the middle of the Horsesfair, which until recently was a bit of a mess. The statue certainly marks a further much-needed improvement in this area of the town.
Image: © P L Chadwick
Taken: 3 Jul 2011
0.09 miles