Steeple Church, Nethergate
The listed buildings record describes the steeple thus, "Late 15th century, completed circa 1495. 5-stage, 156-foot ashlar tower, upper 2 stages set back to allow for a walkway at 4th. Caphouse probably 1570. Most of the detailing restored by Sir George Gilbert Scott 1872, and badly redressed by Dundee Corporation in early 1960s."
Image: © kim traynor
Taken: 22 May 2011
0.01 miles
The Steeple Kirk
Odd that it should be called the Steeple Kirk, because it has a tower and no steeple! It is the principal kirk of Dundee, and parts of it date back to the 15th century. There is a detailed history at http://www.thesteeplechurch.co.uk/about-us/history/
Image: © Anne Burgess
Taken: 29 Jun 2011
0.01 miles
Steeple Church & Dundee Parish Church (St Mary's)
The Steeple church is the western section of Dundee's "City Churches" with Dundee Parish Church (St Mary’s) occupying the east section. Both are congregations in the Church of Scotland, but have differing styles of worship.
The church dates back to 1190 but the original buildings have not survived the church having been burnt down on three occasions, the last being in 1841. In the 1870s St Mary's was remodelled, creating the present Victorian Gothic Revival interior (very different from the neighbouring Steeple Church).
The Old Steeple dates back to the 1480s. Between 1782 and 1841 there were no less than four Church of Scotland congregations occupying the City Churches under one roof but with separate sanctuaries. After the post 1841 rebuilding there were three congregations, then two since the 1980s – namely Dundee Parish Church (St Mary’s) and the Steeple Church.
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dundee_Parish_Church_(St_Mary's) – Wikipedia
Image: © David Dixon
Taken: 25 Oct 2011
0.01 miles
The Steeple, Overgate, Dundee
The oldest building in Dundee, photographed from within the Overgate Centre.
Image: © Mike Pennington
Taken: 21 Jul 2014
0.01 miles
Interior- St Mary's Tower, Dundee
Image: © Douglas Nelson
Taken: 13 Jun 2016
0.01 miles
Looking up at the clock
Looking up at the clock on top of the bell tower of the Parish church of Dundee
Image: © Bill Nicholls
Taken: 29 Mar 2010
0.01 miles
Overgate Centre
This is a view along the public space outside the Overgate shopping centre. Having not visited this location before I guessed that the shopping centre was a 1990's build, which wasn't far out as it is a year 2000 replacement for a 1960's retail area, which one can probably assume was a good deal more ugly. To the left is the Steeple church.
Image: © Gordon Hatton
Taken: 13 Oct 2019
0.02 miles
The Old Steeple, Dundee
Image: © Douglas Nelson
Taken: 28 Apr 2016
0.02 miles
Dundee Parish Church (St Mary's)
Dundee Parish Church (St Mary’s) is located in the east section of Dundee's "City Churches", the other being occupied by the Steeple Church. Both are congregations in the Church of Scotland, but have differing styles of worship.
The church dates back to 1190 but the original buildings have not survived the church having been burnt down on three occasions, the last being in 1841. In the 1870s St Mary's was remodelled , creating the present Victorian Gothic Revival interior (very different from the neighbouring Steeple Church).
The Old Steeple dates back to the 1480s. Between 1782 and 1841 there were no less than four Church of Scotland congregations occupying the City Churches under one roof but with separate sanctuaries. After the post 1841 rebuilding there were three congregations, then two since the 1980s – namely Dundee Parish Church (St Mary’s) and the Steeple Church.
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dundee_Parish_Church_(St_Mary's) - Wikipedia
Image: © David Dixon
Taken: 25 Oct 2011
0.02 miles
The McManus
Dundee's Museum and Art Galleries
Image: © Douglas Nelson
Taken: 2 Apr 2015
0.02 miles