Bus stop, Grayswood Avenue, Whoberley
Halfway between the junctions with Dulverton Avenue and Lincroft Crescent.
Image: © John Brightley
Taken: 31 Aug 2010
0.02 miles
Row of Shops, Grayswood Avenue
At one time all five of these shops would have been supplying goods: groceries green grocer, butcher, hardware and similar supply shops but now none of them do. Service companies have replaced small shop keepers. Two are closed, one is a hair dresser, one is a photographer, one is a maintenance company.
In July 2012 a former local resident wrote:
"Thanks for the somewhat nostalgic but sad photo. I lived and grew up just round the corner in Dulverton Avenue. Your assumptions about the shops past identities are correct. I did part of my Geography O level course work on these shops in the early 1970's they were in decline then. I'm sure it's up in the loft somewhere. One of these was an ironmongers which sold paraffin oils and the like. It had its own special smell. Around November time it had one of the best selection of fireworks around. Almost every empty space would have a bonfire on it.
Thanks for reviving a memory from the past."
Image: © Nigel Mykura
Taken: 4 Mar 2012
0.04 miles
Remember the Post Office?
1930's corner shops. The white fronted building was the local Post Office.
The pillar box is now the only reminder.
Image: © Anthony Vosper
Taken: 12 Feb 2010
0.06 miles
Grayswood Avenue
Looking up hill. In the 1960's both sides of the road were lined with Rowan trees now only a few remain.
Image: © Anthony Vosper
Taken: 28 Apr 2012
0.08 miles
Grayswood Avenue shops, Coventry
A group of shops on the corner of Grayswood Avenue serving this area of pre-WWII housing.
Image: © David Stowell
Taken: 23 Jul 2005
0.09 miles
Grayswood Avenue off Holyhead Road, Coventry
Image: © Ian S
Taken: 27 Aug 2019
0.11 miles
61-71 Lincroft Crescent, Whoberley
There are hundreds of houses in Coventry in a similar style to this, most built in the 1920's and 1930's. However some were built in the late 1940's and early 1950's, and I think this may be one of those roads, though I have not checked.
Image: © John Brightley
Taken: 31 Aug 2010
0.12 miles
The New Spires, Grayswood Avenue
The 1930s-built public house has had another colour transformation back to black and white since its brief foray into pastel shades. Opened as the Three Spires Hotel, it became the Jules Verne theme pub in the early 1970s then the Spires Tavern, the Rectory by the late 1980s and now the New Spires with a 'pub for let' sign on its frontage to the right of the bay windows.
2005: http://www.geograph.org.uk/photo/30033
In its custard period, 2010: http://www.geograph.org.uk/photo/1706330
Image: © E Gammie
Taken: 9 Feb 2012
0.13 miles
Dulverton Court
Mid 60's infill on a 1930's avenue.
Originally the site was occupied by one single house.
Image: © Anthony Vosper
Taken: 11 Feb 2010
0.13 miles
At the top of the hill
Dulverton Avenue, more modern infill in a 1930's avenue, original style houses feature to the right.
Image: © Anthony Vosper
Taken: 11 Feb 2010
0.13 miles