Royal Victoria Hospital, Radnor Park Avenue
The hospital opened on Rendezvous Street in Folkestone as the Folkestone Dispensary in 1846.The name was expanded to Folkestone Dispensary and Infirmary and it relocated to a site on Dover Road in Folkestone in 1863. The current general hospital buildings were constructed on Radnor Park Avenue, and opened in 1890, when the name was again changed, this time to the Victoria Hospital. The prefix Royal was added in 1910.
In the 1970s, services were scaled down, with the focusing of regional hospital care in East Kent on the town of Ashford, Kent. In 1973 maternity services were moved to Ashford's Willesborough Hospital. In 1979 the new William Harvey Hospital opened in Ashford (ironically, named after Folkestone's William Harvey), and many other services were transferred here over the following years. The accident and emergency department at Royal Victoria Hospital was closed at that time, leaving it with a minor injuries service https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Royal_Victoria_Hospital,_Folkestone
Planning permission has been approved by Folkestone and Hythe District Council under application number Y19/0424/FH for the “demolition of former Royal Victoria Hospital outbuildings, together with the demolition of side and rear extensions to main Royal Victoria Hospital building”.
Image: © John Baker
Taken: 6 Oct 2019
0.00 miles
Royal Victoria Hospital, Radnor Park Avenue
The hospital opened on Rendezvous Street in Folkestone as the Folkestone Dispensary in 1846.The name was expanded to Folkestone Dispensary and Infirmary and it relocated to a site on Dover Road in Folkestone in 1863. The current general hospital buildings were constructed on Radnor Park Avenue, and opened in 1890, when the name was again changed, this time to the Victoria Hospital. The prefix Royal was added in 1910.
In the 1970s, services were scaled down, with the focusing of regional hospital care in East Kent on the town of Ashford, Kent. In 1973 maternity services were moved to Ashford's Willesborough Hospital. In 1979 the new William Harvey Hospital opened in Ashford (ironically, named after Folkestone's William Harvey), and many other services were transferred here over the following years. The accident and emergency department at Royal Victoria Hospital was closed at that time, leaving it with a minor injuries service https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Royal_Victoria_Hospital,_Folkestone
Planning permission has been approved by Folkestone and Hythe District Council under application number Y19/0424/FH for the “demolition of former Royal Victoria Hospital outbuildings, together with the demolition of side and rear extensions to main Royal Victoria Hospital building”.
Image: © John Baker
Taken: 6 Oct 2019
0.01 miles
Royal Victoria Hospital site, Radnor Park Road
Planning permission has been approved, with conditions, by Folkestone and Hythe District Council under application number 20/0532/FH for “residential development at Royal Victoria Hospital site consisting of 19, 4 & 5 bed houses and 19, 1 & 2 bed apartments including associated external works”.
This view of the
Image shows the right hand side of the building, before it was demolished, and where the development is taking place.
Image: © John Baker
Taken: 22 Aug 2021
0.01 miles
Royal Victoria Hospital, Radnor Park Avenue
Seen from Radnor Park, the notice-board on the right directs the public to the Minor Injuries Unit, which is where the white vans are parked on the left hand side of the frame. The rest of the building has been boarded up.
Image: © John Baker
Taken: 2 Mar 2014
0.01 miles
Royal Victoria Hospital, Radnor Park Avenue
The hospital opened on Rendezvous Street in Folkestone as the Folkestone Dispensary in 1846.The name was expanded to Folkestone Dispensary and Infirmary and it relocated to a site on Dover Road in Folkestone in 1863. The current general hospital buildings were constructed on Radnor Park Avenue, and opened in 1890, when the name was again changed, this time to the Victoria Hospital. The prefix Royal was added in 1910.
In the 1970s, services were scaled down, with the focusing of regional hospital care in East Kent on the town of Ashford, Kent. In 1973 maternity services were moved to Ashford's Willesborough Hospital. In 1979 the new William Harvey Hospital opened in Ashford (ironically, named after Folkestone's William Harvey), and many other services were transferred here over the following years. The accident and emergency department at Royal Victoria Hospital was closed at that time, leaving it with a minor injuries service https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Royal_Victoria_Hospital,_Folkestone
Planning permission has been approved by Folkestone and Hythe District Council under application number Y19/0424/FH for the “demolition of former Royal Victoria Hospital outbuildings, together with the demolition of side and rear extensions to main Royal Victoria Hospital building”.
This view of the
Image was taken in October 2019.
Image: © John Baker
Taken: 17 Nov 2019
0.03 miles
Royal Victoria Hospital, Radnor Park Avenue
The hospital opened on Rendezvous Street in Folkestone as the Folkestone Dispensary in 1846.The name was expanded to Folkestone Dispensary and Infirmary and it relocated to a site on Dover Road in Folkestone in 1863. The current general hospital buildings were constructed on Radnor Park Avenue, and opened in 1890, when the name was again changed, this time to the Victoria Hospital. The prefix Royal was added in 1910.
In the 1970s, services were scaled down, with the focusing of regional hospital care in East Kent on the town of Ashford, Kent. In 1973 maternity services were moved to Ashford's Willesborough Hospital. In 1979 the new William Harvey Hospital opened in Ashford (ironically, named after Folkestone's William Harvey), and many other services were transferred here over the following years. The accident and emergency department at Royal Victoria Hospital was closed at that time, leaving it with a minor injuries service https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Royal_Victoria_Hospital,_Folkestone
Planning permission has been approved by Folkestone and Hythe District Council under application number Y19/0424/FH for the “demolition of former Royal Victoria Hospital outbuildings, together with the demolition of side and rear extensions to main Royal Victoria Hospital building”.
This view of the
Image was taken in November 2019.
As there is security fencing to the right of the main entrance, it appears that the work is still ongoing.
Image: © John Baker
Taken: 22 Aug 2021
0.04 miles
Footbridge over the Pent Stream
Image: © Nick Smith
Taken: 14 Oct 2009
0.05 miles
Clearing ground beside a path in Radnor Park
Unfortunately, there do not seem to be Geograph images to show how scruffy this area of the park had become. Several weeks later, the area was being planted with trees, and grass turves were being laid.
Image: © John Baker
Taken: 27 Feb 2014
0.05 miles
Recently landscaped ground in Radnor Park
A few weeks before, this area had appeared as
Image but a security fence was still in place until the installation of a low decorative fence had been completed. The end of the already laid fence is just visible in the distance.
Image: © John Baker
Taken: 18 Apr 2014
0.05 miles
Radnor Park Avenue
Image: © N Chadwick
Taken: 11 Sep 2019
0.05 miles