Alterations to Buckland Paper Mill, Crabble Hill
Planning permission was granted by Dover District Council under application number DOV/06/01455 for “mixed use development (new build and change of use) comprising detailed proposals (phase 1) for 141 residential units, retail (A1), offices (B1), cafe/restaurant bar (A4/A5), 'community hub' (D1/B1), open space, landscaping, parking and access and outline proposals (phases 1A, 2, 3 & 4) for up to 265 residential units, 80 bed nursing home and access - all other matters (layout, scale, appearance and landscaping) reserved”.
This view shows the latest ongoing building work, seen from Crabble Meadows while this view of the
Image shows the fence along this road. However, I managed to position the camera in such a way as to avoid including it. The River Dour flows past the site.
Image: © John Baker
Taken: 26 May 2017
0.00 miles
Alterations to Buckland Paper Mill, Crabble Hill
Planning permission was granted by Dover District Council under application number DOV/06/01455 for “mixed use development (new build and change of use) comprising detailed proposals (phase 1) for 141 residential units, retail (A1), offices (B1), cafe/restaurant bar (A4/A5), 'community hub' (D1/B1), open space, landscaping, parking and access and outline proposals (phases 1A, 2, 3 & 4) for up to 265 residential units, 80 bed nursing home and access - all other matters (layout, scale, appearance and landscaping) reserved”.
This image of the
Image shows the building before work began on the clock tower.
Image: © John Baker
Taken: 11 May 2018
0.00 miles
Former Buckland Paper Mill
The site has been cleared except for these notable buildings which run along London Road. These are intended to be converted to flats. On the far left a continuation of the range has already been converted ('Clocktower Lofts'). There seems to be a considerable pause with no discernible activity before the next phase on the project, which would actually include the clocktower.
Image: © Robin Webster
Taken: 26 Sep 2015
0.01 miles
Alterations to former Buckland Paper Mill, Crabble Hill
Seen from Crabble Meadows, scaffolding has been erected along this part of the building. Planning permission has been granted by Dover District Council under application number DOV/06/01455/G for an “amendment to approved planning permission DOV/06/01455 ((mixed use development (new build and change of use) comprising detailed proposals (phase 1) for 141 residential units, retail (A1), offices (B1), cafe/restaurant bar (A4/A5), 'community hub' (D1/B1), open space, landscaping, parking and access and outline proposals (phases 1A, 2, 3 & 4) for up to 265 residential units, 80 bed nursing home and access - all other matters (layout, scale, appearance and landscaping) reserved)) - inclusion of flush roof lights to front elevation bathrooms of block 1D”.
These are the same
Image but seen from the front.
Image: © John Baker
Taken: 4 Mar 2016
0.01 miles
Further building work at the former Buckland Paper Mill, Crabble Hill
Planning permission has been granted by Dover District Council under application number DOV/06/01455 for a “mixed use development (new build and change of use) comprising detailed proposals (phase 1) for 141 residential units, retail (A1), offices (B1), café/restaurant bar (A4/A5), community huts (LD1/B1), open space, landscaping, parking and access and outline proposals (phases 1A, 2, 3 & 4) for up to 265 residential units, 80 bed nursing home and access - all other matters (lay out, scale, appearance and landscaping) reserved". I noticed, at the time of taking this photo, that some tiles had been removed from the roof, this end of the building. When I drove past a week later, I saw that dormer windows were being added.
Image: © John Baker
Taken: 29 Nov 2013
0.01 miles
Buckland Mill, Dover
Image: © Stacey Harris
Taken: 26 Feb 2012
0.01 miles
Buckland Paper Mill, Crabble Hill, Dover
The mill complex is derelict but there are plans for its refurbishment http://www.bucklandmill.co.uk/ The building on the right hand side of the view is the showroom of Hollis Motors, which was established in 1964 in the building that was formerly the Buckland depot of the tramway that ran throughout Dover http://www.hollismotors.co.uk/about/about.php
Image: © John Baker
Taken: 8 Feb 2011
0.01 miles
Alterations to former Buckland Paper Mill, Crabble Hill
Planning permission has been granted by Dover District Council under application number DOV/06/01455/G for an “amendment to approved planning permission DOV/06/01455 ((mixed use development (new build and change of use) comprising detailed proposals (phase 1) for 141 residential units, retail (A1), offices (B1), cafe/restaurant bar (A4/A5), 'community hub' (D1/B1), open space, landscaping, parking and access and outline proposals (phases 1A, 2, 3 & 4) for up to 265 residential units, 80 bed nursing home and access - all other matters (layout, scale, appearance and landscaping) reserved)) - inclusion of flush roof lights to front elevation bathrooms of block 1D”.
Image: © John Baker
Taken: 20 Nov 2015
0.01 miles
Redevelopment at the former Buckland Paper Mill, Crabble Hill
Seen from Crabble Meadows. Planning permission has been granted by Dover District Council under application number DOV/06/01455 for a “mixed use development (new build and change of use) comprising detailed proposals (phase 1) for 141 residential units, retail (A1), offices (B1), café/restaurant bar (A4/A5), community huts (LD1/B1), open space, landscaping, parking and access and outline proposals (phases 1A, 2, 3 & 4) for up to 265 residential units, 80 bed nursing home and access - all other matters (lay out, scale, appearance and landscaping) reserved . The frontage of the building in Crabble Hill can be seen in
Image: © John Baker
Taken: 31 Jan 2014
0.01 miles
Clocktower Lofts
The former
Image has been converted into apartments but the building also has a gym called Snap Fitness UK and Crabble Hill Co-operative supermarket.
Image: © John Baker
Taken: 4 Jun 2022
0.01 miles