Rayne Village Shield
The Rayne Village Shield hangs from a post in the middle of the village and
depicts aspects of village history, including agriculture and the, now
closed, iron foundry works.
Top left: the spinning wheel and straw plait represent past industry, i.e. wool yarn spinning, weaving and straw plaiting,
Top right: the plough share represents the first improved plough made at Rayne Foundry with other agricultural implements,
Bottom left: a modern Tractor representing today's industry of farming and agriculture,
Bottom right: showing the filling of a mould, representing techniques once used when there was a working Foundry in Rayne, and
Centre: Sir Giles Capel's Helmet, representing our historic background.
Sir Giles wore the helmet when he jousted in feats of arms as a Knight of King Henry VIII. In his will Sir Giles directed that his best helmet and arming sword should be set above his "funeralls" and for nearly 300 years the helmet hung on an iron bar over his altar-shaped tomb in All Saints Church. When the church was pulled down in 1840 all the Capel tombs were destroyed and the helmet was removed by the builder, William Parmenter of Bocking. It was found with another on a peg in his workshop by a Miss Courtauld, later Madame Arendrup. She bought it and gave it to Baron de Cosson, the then greatest living authority on the history of arms and armour. It was exhibited in London and later acquired by the Metropolitan Museum of New York who sent the copy back to England.
Image: © Trevor Wright
Taken: Unknown
0.09 miles
Rayne - The Welsh Princess Public House
"The Welsh Princess" Public House is located in the centre of the village. It was originally called The Cherry Tree and was to have been renamed to The Princess Diana but this was not permitted hence its current name.
This picture was taken in November 2005. During the summer all the village pubs are decorated with flowers.
Image: © Trevor Wright
Taken: Unknown
0.09 miles
Rayne - The Welsh Princess Public House, Sign
"The Welsh Princess" Public House is located in the centre of the village. It was originally called The Cherry Tree and was to have been renamed to The Princess Diana but this was not permitted hence its current name.
Image: © Trevor Wright
Taken: Unknown
0.10 miles
Crossroads on The Street, Rayne
At the junction of Shalford Road. The Street is part of a Roman Road, Stane Street, which runs between Dunmow and Braintree as the B 2156, now relieved by the A120 dual carriageway which runs alongside it.
Image: © David Howard
Taken: 6 Jun 2013
0.11 miles
Rayne - The Old Schoolroom
The Old Schoolroom, now used for meetings.
Image: © Trevor Wright
Taken: 14 Nov 2005
0.12 miles
The Swan public house, Rayne
On The Street.
Image: © JThomas
Taken: 24 Aug 2022
0.13 miles
Crossroads at the centre of Rayne village
The view is from Gore Road. Shalford Road is straight ahead, The Street is off to the left and Rayne Road is off to the right. The white building is 'The Swan' inn.
Image: © Robert Edwards
Taken: 1 May 2009
0.14 miles
Rayne - The Swan Public House
"The Swan" Public House is located at the eastern end of the village.
This picture was taken in November 2005. During the summer all the village pubs are decorated with flowers.
Image: © Trevor Wright
Taken: 14 Nov 2005
0.14 miles
Village Lock-up
The lock-up is the small brick building behind St Mary's Cottage.
Image: © Jeff Tomlinson
Taken: 21 Sep 2008
0.14 miles
The Swan, Rayne
Image: © Alex McGregor
Taken: 22 Feb 2011
0.15 miles