A path in Clints Quarry Nature Reserve
Image: © David Medcalf
Taken: 7 Jun 2019
0.07 miles
Clints Quarry NNR
The quarry is a scheduled Site of Special Scientific Interest and is of considerable botanical importance as well as geological. The fallen blocks of stone that may be seen contain a variety of fossils – Brachiopods and corals.
Clints was mentioned in a 1909 prospectus for the Workington Iron & Steel Company. The limestone which was easily quarried, was used in blast furnaces to make steel in the heyday of the Acid Bessemer process between 1850 and 1890. It was transported from the quarry by rail from a siding off the L & N.W. Junction Railway.
Image: © Matthew Hatton
Taken: 19 May 2015
0.08 miles
Clints Quarry - Limestones
Large limestone quarry exploiting large beds of clean limestone for iron making and lime production. The limestones are Dinantian in age (Early Carboniferous, around 350 million years old) and belong to the Chief Limestone Group.
This whole quarry mined the fourth limestone which is split into a variety of other smaller limestones.
At the time of formation Britain was around the equator, the limestones formed on a proximal inner carbonate ramp on the shores of the Lake District Island! In the quarry algal mats, corals (rugose), braciopods and other sea creatures are present. Sea level changes often meant the limestones were eroded and caves formed (think Zanzibar for an analogue). Another feature described in this quarry are the bentonite bands (clays) which are the remains of volcanic ash fall outs.
Image: © Ashley Dace
Taken: 27 Oct 2015
0.09 miles
Houses in the village of Woodend. The owners of Woodend Barn (on the right) specifically requested that a photo of their house go on this website, and who am I to disappoint them...
Image: © Tom Pullman
Taken: 13 Nov 2005
0.10 miles
Clints Quarry - Pools
A couple of pools, not sure of their use. A heron was here before it flew off.
Image: © Ashley Dace
Taken: 27 Oct 2015
0.11 miles
Clints Quarry - Limestones
I think (i'm not a carbonate geologist I must stress!) these are the remains of algal mats.
Image: © Ashley Dace
Taken: 27 Oct 2015
0.12 miles
Clints Quarry - Iron Staining
A small fault has a light coating of hematite. The iron ore mines of the area exploited faults like these.
Image: © Ashley Dace
Taken: 27 Oct 2015
0.13 miles
Old Direction Sign - Signpost in Woodend, Egremont parish
Annulus finial - 3 Worboys arms; Cumberland named halo by the UC road, in parish of Egremont (Allerdale District), T-junction at South end of Woodend, on large grass triangle by letterbox and telegraph pole.
To be surveyed
Milestone Society National ID: CU_NY0012
Image: © Milestone Society
Taken: Unknown
0.14 miles
Clints Quarry - Limestones
Large limestone quarry exploiting large beds of clean limestone for iron making and lime production. The limestones are Dinantian in age (Early Carboniferous, around 350 million years old) and belong to the Chief Limestone Group.
This whole quarry mined the fourth limestone which is split into a variety of other smaller limestones.
At the time of formation Britain was around the equator, the limestones formed on a proximal inner carbonate ramp on the shores of the Lake District Island! In the quarry algal mats, corals (rugose), braciopods and other sea creatures are present. Sea level changes often meant the limestones were eroded and caves formed (think Zanzibar for an analogue). Another feature described in this quarry are the bentonite bands (clays) which are the remains of volcanic ash fall outs.
Image: © Ashley Dace
Taken: 27 Oct 2015
0.14 miles
Clints Quarry - Railway Bridge
Access spur to export the limestone to customers.
Image: © Ashley Dace
Taken: 27 Oct 2015
0.16 miles