The Bell, Redcliffe
A disused pub at the junction of Redcliff Mead Lane and Prewett Street.
Image: © Christine Johnstone
Taken: 23 Mar 2013
0.03 miles
Prewett Street looking Southwest
On the left is the former Bell pub, which was built in the mid 18th century and closed in 2008. As of 2023 the condition of this building has worsened. The two buildings behind are Proctor House (front) and Patterson House (back). They were built in 1963, and designed by Albert Clarke
Image: © s
Taken: 25 Aug 2021
0.03 miles
Garages at the back of the Bell
Some sixties garages and the block of Proctor House in the background. In between is the ruinous roof of the back of the Bell, whose front is in as bad a state.
Image: © Neil Owen
Taken: 5 May 2022
0.03 miles
St Mary Redcliffe Area - BS1
Prewett Street kinks and narrows very slightly at this point on its journey between one end of it and the other. This is the view towards Redcliff (sic) Mead and Temple Gate (where Temple Meads Station is situated).Locals say that "The Bell" has been closed for "years" and that this "ex-auction house", in art deco style, has been unused for even longer. Behind its facade is rectangular, single storey, drill hall-type building with a pitched corrugated roof.
Image: © David Hallam-Jones
Taken: 29 Jul 2012
0.03 miles
The Bell
Former public house on Redcliff Mead Lane.
Image: © DS Pugh
Taken: 11 Mar 2014
0.03 miles
Former Bell pub
The Bell pub was built in the mid 18th century. It closed in 2008. As of 2023 the condition of this building has worsened.
Image: © s
Taken: 25 Aug 2021
0.03 miles
The Bell Redcliffe Bristol
Boarded-up former pub in Prewett Street, Redcliffe, Bristol.
Image: © Jaggery
Taken: 21 Oct 2012
0.04 miles
A bell sounding hollow
The Bell closed some time ago and has fallen into great disrepair. Even the graffiti has been covered with graffiti. Once there were buildings either side of the pub, with Harris's Cottages to the left. Only the Bell survivied into the latter twentieth century, but seems set to follow its neighbours into history.
Image: © Neil Owen
Taken: 5 May 2022
0.04 miles
Former glass cone, Prewett Street, Bristol
The last stunted relic of the glass industry once prevalent in this area. Built c1780 before being cut down to about a quarter of its original height in 1936. Grade II listed.
It has been ingeniously converted to a restaurant, attached to the adjacent hotel.
Image: © Stephen Richards
Taken: 21 May 2012
0.04 miles
A silenced bell
The Bell is closed. This particular pub has a long history, dating back to the late eighteenth century but has now served its last pint. It lies in what was a very industrial area back in the day, with glassworks, sail-cloth factories, flax and twine works, a brewhouse among it neighbours, along with later arrivals such as the railways. But the Bell stands on the site of a forge, so perhaps this is what gave it its name.
The pub (once called the Blue Bell for a while) relied largely on trade from the surrounding industries, rather than residential drinkers. However, the area has undergone a pretty far-ranging redevelopment in recent years, with trade falling in line with much of the pub trade. It closed a few years ago, remained derelict and subject to a fire. Plans are being approved for its demolition and the building of housing, despite local calls for it to be retained as a vital part of the local heritage.
Image: © Neil Owen
Taken: 4 Sep 2019
0.04 miles