Portland Road Trading Estate, Portland Road, Hove
Once a small field called Bridge Croft, according to Aldrington's 1840 tithe map, that was squeezed between the railway to the north and the former Aldrington Farm to the south and named after a nearby railway bridge. In 1914 a factory was built here and operated by HJ Green & Co, the dessert makers, who stayed until moving north to Rotherham in 1978. Consequently, the old buildings were demolished and replaced by these business units.
Image: © Simon Carey
Taken: 3 Dec 2016
0.02 miles
Saxon Works, Olive Road, Hove
Former engineering works built in the 1950s that is now subdivided into a number of business units
Image: © Simon Carey
Taken: 3 Dec 2016
0.04 miles
Martello Lofts, Portland Road, Hove
Originally built as offices in the 1970s and for many years home to the local VAT inspectors. These moved out in 2009 and the block continued to be used commercially until 2012. Deemed obsolete for modern office use the block was converted into luxury apartments in 2015, see also
The block occupies part of the site of Aldrington Farm which was built sometime in the first third of the 19th century. This was demolished in the 1880s and replaced by an ice factory and later became part of the site of an engineering works before that closed in the 1970s and the site was acquired by Seeboard who demolished the factory and replaced it with offices, see
Image: © Simon Carey
Taken: 3 Dec 2016
0.07 miles
Portland Business Park, Portland Road, Hove
Originally an open field called South Gores, according to Aldrington's 1840 tithe map, that had become allotments by the time of the 1898 OS map and remained so until 1921 when the section adjacent to Olive road was acquired by the Brighton Equitable Co-Operative Society who initially built a bakery fronting onto Portland Road and later included buildings erected for their grocery, dairy and laundry departments. The site was vacated in the mid 1990s and the current trading estate built soon after.
See http://regencysociety-jamesgray.com/volume16/source/jg_16_054.html
Image: © Simon Carey
Taken: 3 Dec 2016
0.07 miles
Portland Road Trading Estate
Originally the site of Aldrington Farm it had become an ice works by the 1890s which in turn had disappeared by 1911. By 1932 the area by the railway had become a small works which remained the case until the mid 1970s when the adjacent machine tools factory was closed and the site was purchased by Seeboard. Martello House on the left was built in the mid 1970s and was for many years the local VAT office until its closure in 2009.
Image: © Simon Carey
Taken: 2 Dec 2010
0.07 miles
317-327, Portland Road, Aldrington, Hove
Three pairs of semi-detached houses built in the mid 1930s.
Image: © Simon Carey
Taken: 22 Dec 2016
0.09 miles
Olive Road, Hove
A road that links Old Shoreham Road, once the A27, to Portland Road, which was originally a farm track belonging to Aldrington Farm which was located south of the railway. Built up in 1925 as part of the Hallyburton estate whose roads were named after both the landowner and his and the builder's daughters.
Image: © Simon Carey
Taken: 3 Dec 2016
0.10 miles
Florence Avenue, Hove
A residential road that links Hallyburton Road to Olive Road. Part of the Hallyburton estate which was developed in 1925 between the railway and Old Shoreham Road on a former field called Barn Field, according to Aldrington's 1841 tithe map, with the roads named after a local landowner and both his and the builder's daughters.
Image: © Simon Carey
Taken: 3 Dec 2016
0.11 miles
Isobel Crescent, Hove
The crescent is located to the east of Olive Road and was once the western end of a field called North Gores according to Aldrington's 1840 tithe map much of which became Hove Cemetery after 1882 whose boundary is marked by the line of trees beyond the houses to the right. Part of Hallyburton estate that was built in 1925 and named after the landowner, his and the builder's daughters.
Image: © Simon Carey
Taken: 3 Dec 2016
0.11 miles
329, Portland Road, Hove
Currently home to EDF customer services who inherited the building from Seeboard who had erected it in 1979. Previously the area was a field called Hog Croft in Aldrington's 1840 tithe map that was located to the immediate west of Aldrington Farm and was not developed until the 1920s when an engineering works was constructed which extended north to the railway. To the south facing onto Portland was a terrace of cottages. The factory closed in the 1970s and the site was acquired by Seeboard.
Image: © Simon Carey
Taken: 3 Dec 2016
0.12 miles