Portland Business Park, Portland Road, Hove
Originally an open field called South Gores, according to Aldrington's 1840 tithe map, that had become allotments by the time of the 1898 OS map and remained so until 1921 when the section adjacent to Olive road was acquired by the Brighton Equitable Co-Operative Society who initially built a bakery fronting onto Portland Road and later included buildings erected for their grocery, dairy and laundry departments. The site was vacated in the mid 1990s and the current trading estate built soon after.
See http://regencysociety-jamesgray.com/volume16/source/jg_16_054.html
Image: © Simon Carey
Taken: 3 Dec 2016
0.05 miles
Hove Cemetery
The south western section which was not consecrated until 1912 despite being purchased at the same time as the rest which opened in 1882. For three decades it was used as a hay field. Beyond the trees to the south is the railway line.
Hove Cemetery consists of two parts, the original section south of Old Shoreham Road that was first consecrated in 1882 and a second to the north of the road that opened in 1923 as an extension
Image: © Simon Carey
Taken: 22 Jan 2017
0.07 miles
Hove Cemetery
The north western end of the cemetery that wasn't consecrated until 1912 although it was purchased at the same time as the rest in 1882. For three decades it was used as a hay field. The flint wall in the distance marks the location of old Shoreham Road beyond which is the northern part.
Hove Cemetery consists of two parts, the original section south of Old Shoreham Road that was first consecrated in 1882 and a second to the north of the road that opened in 1923 as an extension
Image: © Simon Carey
Taken: 22 Jan 2017
0.09 miles
Portland Road, Hove
One of four east-west roads that run parallel to each other through the old parish of Aldrington, the others being Kingsway (A259), New Church Road (B2066) and Old Shoreham Road (A270). The road was laid out in the 1870s and developed gradually over the next forty or so years.
Image: © Simon Carey
Taken: 3 Dec 2016
0.10 miles
Isabel Crescent
Part of a small estate built between the railway, Old Shoreham Road, Boundary Road and Hove Cemetery in the 1920s. Taken from the junction with Olive Road.
Image: © Simon Carey
Taken: 14 Jan 2009
0.10 miles
Hove Cemetery
An unmade path on the western side. The western section wasn't consecrated until 1912 despite being purchased at the same time as the rest which opened in 1882. For the intervening thirty years it was used as a hay field.
Hove Cemetery consists of two parts, the original section south of Old Shoreham Road that was first consecrated in 1882 and a second to the north of the road that opened in 1923 as an extension
Image: © Simon Carey
Taken: 22 Jan 2017
0.10 miles
Isobel Crescent, Hove
The crescent is located to the east of Olive Road and was once the western end of a field called North Gores according to Aldrington's 1840 tithe map much of which became Hove Cemetery after 1882 whose boundary is marked by the line of trees beyond the houses to the right. Part of Hallyburton estate that was built in 1925 and named after the landowner, his and the builder's daughters.
Image: © Simon Carey
Taken: 3 Dec 2016
0.10 miles
Saxon Works, Olive Road, Hove
Former engineering works built in the 1950s that is now subdivided into a number of business units
Image: © Simon Carey
Taken: 3 Dec 2016
0.11 miles
Hove Cemetery
The western side of the southern section which was not consecrated until 1912 despite being purchased at the same time as the rest in 1882. For three decades it was used as a hay field. The line of trees in the distance mark the location of the original western boundary of the cemetery.
Hove Cemetery consists of two parts, the original section south of Old Shoreham Road that was first consecrated in 1882 and a second to the north of the road that opened in 1923 as an extension
Image: © Simon Carey
Taken: 22 Jan 2017
0.11 miles
Main Avenue, Hove Cemetery
Providing access from the far eastern to far western sides through the arch of the distant
Image This part is in the western section of the cemetery which was not consecrated until 1912 despite being purchased at the same time as the rest which opened in 1882.
Hove Cemetery consists of two parts, the original section south of Old Shoreham Road that was first consecrated in 1882 and a second to the north of the road that opened in 1923 as an extension
Image: © Simon Carey
Taken: 22 Jan 2017
0.11 miles