Rottingdean at Night 1
This picture was taken from the slope up from the beach. It looks North into Rottingdean. At the red traffic lights is a major cross roads. Turn Left (west) to Brighton, turn right (east) to Peacehaven, Seaford, Eastbourne and
straight across (north) into Rottingdean High Street.
Image: © mysteron
Taken: 19 Dec 2004
0.02 miles
Park Terrace, Rottingdean
A row of four cottages built at the turn of the 20th century to the rear of West Street. The wall on the right is the rear of Rottingdean Public Hall which fronts onto Park Road.
Image: © Simon Carey
Taken: 31 Dec 2015
0.02 miles
West Street, Rottingdean
Linking Marine Drive to High Street, the road was in existence by the 1839 tithe map though only a couple of cottages existed at the eastern end of the street. The terrace on the left, Victoria Cottages, was added at the turn of the 20th century. Beyond is Tesco which opened in the last decade or so on the site of a former car dealership which had been built after the Second World War on the site of former farm buildings. At the foot of the street is number 1, the only remaining cottage of a terrace of four which survived until the 1960s but were pulled down to make way for the extension of the car dealership. The southern side was removed in its entirety in the 1930s as part of the widening of Marine Drive with the area in between now a car park.
Image: © Simon Carey
Taken: 31 Dec 2015
0.03 miles
Descent into Rottingdean
Having abandoned the aeroplane at Goodwood after a 2 hour trip (205 miles by road) from North Lincs, it has taken me over 3 hours on the bus to travel the 35 miles from Bognor to here.
However, this is the fast bit: we have a bus lane!
Image: © Chris
Taken: 11 Jun 2016
0.03 miles
Golden Square
Small square lying between West Street and Park Road. Formerly the site of four old cottages which lacking in modern utilities were pulled down in 1931 leaving only the former washroom standing, seen on the right at the end of the square. The area remained derelict for many years until the local council refurbished it and opened it up as a small public area. Not many are around on this day as snow can be seen to be falling, and although not heavy it remained persistent throughout the whole day.
Image: © Simon Carey
Taken: 6 Jan 2010
0.03 miles
Rottingdean, Marine Drive
Image: © David Dixon
Taken: 5 Aug 2012
0.04 miles
Marine Drive
A259 through Rottingdean.
Image: © Oast House Archive
Taken: 21 Jul 2012
0.04 miles
High Street, Rottingdean
The B2123 viewed from the crossroads with Marine Drive, the A259. As can be seen the road is a busy one being one of three access points for the suburb of Woodingdean.
Image: © Simon Carey
Taken: 28 Dec 2015
0.04 miles
Rottingdean High Street
A view taken in the centre of Rottingdean, near Brighton.
This image was taken on a dull afternoon in January, not long before darkness fell.
Image: © Malc McDonald
Taken: 23 Jan 2016
0.04 miles
Queen Victoria in Rottingdean
A public house on the High Street, now closed.
Image: © Mat Fascione
Taken: 23 Aug 2022
0.04 miles