Road to the seafront off the A259
Image: © N Chadwick
Taken: 29 Apr 2010
0.02 miles
Image: © N Chadwick
Taken: 7 May 2014
0.03 miles
Image: © N Chadwick
Taken: 25 Apr 2013
0.03 miles
Claremont Rd
Image: © N Chadwick
Taken: 7 May 2014
0.04 miles
Railway bridge STS/811, Seaford
This has recently been rebuilt with a slab concrete span and is equipped with more robust parapets composed of galvanized steel framing clad with sheeting. Previously with a 7.5 ton weight limit, it is unclear whether this still applies, as at the far end the sign has been reversed, and at this end the sign is directed sideways along the railway - both invisible to approaching traffic. Later the weight restriction signs were properly removed.
Image: © Robin Webster
Taken: 15 Jul 2010
0.05 miles
Houses on Kingsway, Seaford
Image: © David Howard
Taken: 12 Sep 2011
0.05 miles
Railway bridge STS 812, Seaford
A curiosity, built later than the bridge on Claremont Road nearby, and much wider, it never seems to have been used as a road. It looks like it was intended to be a better and straighter north end to Edinburgh Road, so what happened?
Image: © Robin Webster
Taken: 15 Jul 2010
0.05 miles
Railway bridge STS/812, Seaford
Viewed from bridge STS/811. The bridge has been disused as a road bridge for some years, and more recently had a domestic recycling station partly on it. This has now closed, as from 11/12/2009. The bridge now bears some raw earth and paving, which might become flowerbeds or lawn. It still acts as a pedestrian bridge, slightly more convenient in some directions than using bridge STS/811.
Image: © Robin Webster
Taken: 15 Jul 2010
0.05 miles
Lambes Bridge
Now a recycling centre and small car park for a nearby parade of shops but formerly the northern end of Edinburgh Road at its junction with Claremont Road. The former has been diverted to join the latter to the south of the railway.
Image: © Simon Carey
Taken: 15 Nov 2009
0.05 miles
Shops, Claremont Road
Small parade of shops on the western side of the town. The road in the foreground is the Buckle By-Pass, the A259, built in 1963 to replace the former route which continued to the right along Claremont Road to the coast then under the southern end of Hawth Hill before turning north and rejoining the current route near the junction with Bishopstone Road.
Image: © Simon Carey
Taken: 15 Nov 2009
0.05 miles