Bournemouth : Lollipop Lady on Moore Avenue
This lollipop lady on Moore Avenue doesn't seem to have anything to do, but it is only 3.05pm so maybe soon she'll be called into action.
Image: © Lewis Clarke
Taken: 8 Mar 2010
0.02 miles
West Howe: Cunningham Close
A side road off Cunningham Place, in the middle of the vast 1950s West Howe council estate. The houses cannot really be seen from the end of the road, because they are arranged in a wide circle around the dead end of the road - just behind the back gardens of the houses either side.
The sign dates from 2010-15 when this more modern, abstract emblem rather than the traditional town coat of arms as the working logo of the council.
This is photo no.97 of a series of 453 in my coronavirus lockdown walking project:
See https://www.geograph.org.uk/article/My-2020-Coronavirus-Lockdown-walking-project for the complete set of photos.
Image: © Chris Downer
Taken: 11 Apr 2020
0.03 miles
West Howe: Cunningham Place
A short link road from Moore Avenue to Cunningham Crescent in the very heart of the West Howe council estate. Behind the sign, we see terraced council houses – West Howe has the whole gamut of housing, from these to semi-detached houses and bungalows to blocks of flats.
The sign dates from 2010-15 when this more modern, abstract emblem rather than the traditional town coat of arms as the working logo of the council.
This is photo no.99 of a series of 453 in my coronavirus lockdown walking project:
See https://www.geograph.org.uk/article/My-2020-Coronavirus-Lockdown-walking-project for the complete set of photos.
Image: © Chris Downer
Taken: 18 Apr 2020
0.03 miles
Bournemouth : Cunningham Place
Cunningham Place on the road junction with Cunningham Crescent.
Image: © Lewis Clarke
Taken: 8 Mar 2010
0.03 miles
Bournemouth : Moore Avenue & Lollipop Lady
A lollipop lady guides these people across the road and stops any oncoming traffic - but the road seemed very quiet.
Image: © Lewis Clarke
Taken: 8 Mar 2010
0.04 miles
West Howe: Cunningham Crescent
The hub, the centrepiece, the focal point – choose whichever word you like: Cunningham Crescent is the heart of the large 1950s West Howe council estate and it runs a complete 360º ring around the estate's main shopping parade, which we see here.
The sign is from around 2000, and it morphed into another design, in blue rather than green and far more widely seen, including BOURNEMOUTH BOROUGH COUNCIL in smaller letters at the top, and the borough coat of arms on the left.
This is photo no.98 of a series of 453 in my coronavirus lockdown walking project:
See https://www.geograph.org.uk/article/My-2020-Coronavirus-Lockdown-walking-project for the complete set of photos.
Image: © Chris Downer
Taken: 11 Apr 2020
0.05 miles
Bournemouth : Moore Avenue Fibrocity
These workmen are working on behalf of Fibrocity Holdings Ltd, and installing fibre optics.
Image: © Lewis Clarke
Taken: 8 Mar 2010
0.05 miles
Barrier reflections
These small barriers alongside a playground are reflected in a large puddle following fairly heavy rain on Christmas morning.
Image: © Chris Downer
Taken: 25 Dec 2007
0.05 miles
West Howe: footpath U43 from Cunningham Crescent shops
This end of the public footpath coincides with the driveway to the rear of
Image It continues as a more typical footpath (below the lamp of the lamppost) to the southern arm of Cunningham Crescent:
Image: © Chris Downer
Taken: 28 Jun 2016
0.05 miles
West Howe: footpath U26 comes out on Moore Avenue
Many of the footpaths on the West Howe estate and thereabouts have been given names in the last couple of years, a safety initiative whose intention is that, in the event of calling for help, one's location can be more easily described. This one has been named Spitfire Walk, no doubt a nod to the fact that the estate's roads are all surnames of servicemen from the Second World War with a local connection. (See also
This footpath leads down from Pilot Hight Road and comes out on Moore Avenue just ahead. Opposite is the turning for Cunningham Place, leading to Cunningham Crescent which is the centre of the estate, with shops, library etc.
Image for the view up the path from the pavement ahead, and
Image for the view from the top end behind us.
Image: © Chris Downer
Taken: 6 Mar 2017
0.06 miles