Dorset Police - Bournemouth North - West Neighbourhood

Dorset Police Information

Dorset Police covers approximately 1024 Square miles of land and a similar body of water off the coastline.

Dorset is one of a very few to not have a motorway to patrol, but does have three very busy main roads and over 3332 miles of roads to police.

Bournemouth North - West Neighbourhood

North Bournemouth West NPT is the Dorset Police Neighbourhood Policing team that covers Bearwood, Kinson, Northbourne & Wallisdown areas of Bournemouth.

Police Force Map - Dorset Police

Neighbourhood Map - Bournemouth North - West

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Senior Officer Details

Dorset Police has not provided any information at this time.

Neighbourhood Officer Details

0429 Alicia Roe (Police Constable)
0478 Rossano Saltfleet (Police Constable)
1464 Richard Honnywill (Inspector)
2209 Lewis Bailey (Sergeant)
2550 Jo Humphris (Police Constable)
2952 David Fraser (Police Constable)
2977 Jamie Spry (Police Constable)
5188 Susie Elliott (PCSO)
6722 Olivia Parkins (PCSO)
0429 Alicia Roe (Police Constable)
0478 Rossano Saltfleet (Police Constable)
1464 Richard Honnywill (Inspector)
2209 Lewis Bailey (Sergeant)
2550 Jo Humphris (Police Constable)
2952 David Fraser (Police Constable)
2977 Jamie Spry (Police Constable)
5188 Susie Elliott (PCSO)
6722 Olivia Parkins (PCSO)
0429 Alicia Roe (Police Constable)
0478 Rossano Saltfleet (Police Constable)
1464 Richard Honnywill (Inspector)
2209 Lewis Bailey (Sergeant)
2550 Jo Humphris (Police Constable)
2953 David Fraser (Police Constable)
2977 Jamie Spry (Police Constable)
5188 Susie Elliott (PCSO)
6722 Olivia Parkins (PCSO)
0429 Alicia Roe (Police Constable)
0478 Rossano Saltfleet (Police Constable)
1020 Antony Brooks (Police Constable)
1464 Richard Honnywill (Inspector)
2209 Lewis Bailey (Sergeant)
2550 Jo Humphris (Police Constable)
2953 David Fraser (Police Constable)
2977 Jamie Spry (Police Constable)
5188 Susie Elliott (PCSO)
6722 Olivia Parkins (PCSO)
0429 Alicia Roe (Police Constable)
0478 Rossano Saltfleet (Police Constable)
1020 Antony Brooks (Police Constable)
1464 Richard Honnywill (Inspector)
2209 Lewis Bailey (Sergeant)
2550 Jo Humphris (Police Constable)
2953 David Fraser (Police Constable)
2977 Jamie Spry (Police Constable)
5188 Susie Elliott (PCSO)
6722 Olivia Parkins (PCSO)
0429 Alicia Roe (Police Constable)
0478 Rossano Saltfleet (Police Constable)
1020 Antony Brooks (Police Constable)
1464 Richard Honnywill (Inspector)
2209 Lewis Bailey (Sergeant)
2550 Jo Humphris (Police Constable)
2953 David Fraser (Police Constable)
2977 Jamie Spry (Police Constable)
5188 Susie Elliott (PCSO)
6722 Olivia Parkins (PCSO)
0429 Alicia Roe (Police Constable)
0478 Rossano Saltfleet (Police Constable)
1020 Antony Brooks (Police Constable)
1464 Richard Honnywill (Inspector)
2209 Lewis Bailey (Sergeant)
2550 Jo Humphris (Police Constable)
2953 David Fraser (Police Constable)
2977 Jamie Spry (Police Constable)
5188 Susie Elliott (PCSO)
6722 Olivia Parkins (PCSO)


Bournemouth Central Police Station


Madeira Road, Bournemouth, Dorset, BH1 1QL

North Bournemouth forms a large, complex and diverse geographical area with equally diverse demands.

It has a large area of residential housing to the north and throughout the area, two large golf courses and parkland on the east and west, with the continental feel of Charminster with its cafes, restaurants and night time entertainment to the south.

North Bournemouth (West) NPT is the Dorset Police Neighbourhood Policing team that covers West Howe, Bearwood, Kinson, Wallisdown, Northbourne and Redhill.

Neighbourhood Policing Teams (NPTs) based at Winton Police Station provide a regular and highly visible presence, tackling issues of concern and building relationships with the communities they serve.

We are committed to our vision of providing an outstanding service to the people of North Bournemouth and make it an even more safe and pleasant place in which to live, work or visit, for all sections of our community.

We recognise that the effect of crime and anti-social behaviour in North Bournemouth can have a big impact on people's quality of life, the area's economy and its reputation.

Our mission it to keep people safe and reassure the Community of North Bournemouth through high visibility patrols, regular meetings, face to face engagement and social media updates where we can be found on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.

We do the right thing by focusing on those most vulnerable in our communities and make a difference by ensuring that our targeted activity is evidence based to maximise ethical performance and results.

We collaborate by working together in partnership with other key agencies, key stakeholders and third-party sector organisations responsible for public safety and wellbeing, in order to reduce crime and disorder and the fear of crime and disorder.

This approach has led to development of 2 broad Tactical Section Priorities.



What do you think our priorities should be?

Let Us Know…

Complete the Survey…. 

Due to current staffing restrictions/reductions, there will be some disruption to Station Desk Services. Hours will be reviewed regularly based on required staffing availability. Thank you for your patience and understanding.                    

During February/March 2023 Bournemouth Enquiry Office hours will be adjusted as below:  

On some dates due to these temporary reductions, the station may need to close
1300-1400 hrs for rest break.

  • 07.03.2023 0800 - 1545
  • 08.03.2023 0800 - 1630
  • 09.03.2023 0800 - 1600
  • 10.03.2023 0800 - 1500
  • 13.03.2023 - 31.03.2023 0900-1600 core hours only
  • Good Friday 07.04.2023 0800-1730
  • Easter Sunday 09.04.2023 0900-1300/1400-1730
  • Easter Monday 10.04.2023
  • Kings Coronation B/H 08.05.2023 
  • Good Friday 07.04.2023 0800-1730
  • Easter Sunday 09.04.2023 0900-1300/1400-1730
  • Easter Monday 10.04.2023
  • Kings Coronation B/H 08.05.2023 

We aim to revert to regular hours of Monday - Friday 0800-1800 hrs and Saturday & Sundays 0900-1730 hrs &
Bank Holidays 0900-1730 hrs
as soon as possible.

Apologies for any inconvenience.

Normal policing patrols will continue to be provided when the Station Desk is closed and alternative contact can be made using the online reporting services on our website, email to [email protected] or via 101 for all non-emergency matters. 

When life or safety is at risk always dial 999.

Please note that when attending to ensure effort is made to arrive approximately 1 hour prior to closing time to allow your enquiry or process to be dealt with.

Road Traffic Collisions, Property Release, Section 165 seized motor vehicle release, Prohibition release, Sex Offender registration - can take up to 1 hour to complete.

Thank you for your consideration and enabling us to provide as prompt a service as possible.


1 Oct 2023

Drug dealing and associated criminality Drug dealing and associated criminality Drug dealing continues to be a priority that the community want the police to focus on. The impact of drug dealing and associated criminality cannot be underestimated. Many other offences are commonly linked to drug related crime, thefts, burglaries, violent crime, knife crime and the carrying of other weapons. County Lines have become an increasing problem from towns like Bournemouth with the most vulnerable in our community being targeted, especially children. We have and will continue to work with other agencies to safeguard vulnerable persons, gather intelligence and information, disrupt criminality and bring offenders to justice.
We have been tackling and disrupting drug networks in the following ways;

    • Drugs Warrants – Known address targeted, resulting in charges being brought for possession with intent to supply for class A drugs.
    • Effective partnership work with housing providers to seek civil remedies at premises known for drug related ASB, e.g closure orders, civil injunctions.
    • High visibility policing to counter reports of street dealing and reassure the community.
    • Conducting visits on vulnerable members of the community subject to possible county lines / cuckooing, regular cuckoo checks.
    • Number one for disruption activity in the force, targeting dangerous drug networks and intelligence gathering.
1 Oct 2023Anti-Social Behaviour (ASB) Anti-Social Behaviour (ASB) As a result of our surveys our community have raised ASB as an issue which causes them concern. The term ASB encompasses a wide range of behaviours that cause nuisance and harm to others. We share responsibility with our partners to tackle ASB at a local level. Consistently the community have raised concerns around young people gathering, drinking alcohol, causing damage, smoking cannabis, littering and playing loud music. This is not an issue isolated to North Bournemouth and is an increasing problem across our county.
Response (1 Oct 2023)

We have been tackling this ongoing problem in the following ways;

  • Multi- agency meetings –supporting multi-agency plans to divert youth ASB/criminality and identify environmental factors associated with ASB
  • Close liaison with safer schools departments to educate and engage with school aged children.
  • Targeted patrols of hot spot locations to tackle ASB.
  • Effective use of the consequence scheme to target / sanction key ASB youth nominals with a view to applying for Acceptable Behaviour Contracts and ultimately civil remedies i.e ASBI etc.
  • Identifying those at most risk of causing harm focussing on the use of knives and weapons amongst young people and working to divert this behaviour.

Bournemouth North NPT are led by the community and the information you give us. If you report any issues to us it would be very helpful if they are clear, concise and as detailed as possible. Highlighting accurate times, locations and details helps us plan to have the right resources in the right location at the right time to ensure we give you the best possible service.

1 Oct 2023

Drug dealing and associated criminality Drug dealing and associated criminality Drug dealing continues to be a priority that the community want the police to focus on. The impact of drug dealing and associated criminality cannot be underestimated. Many other offences are commonly linked to drug related crime, thefts, burglaries, violent crime, knife crime and the carrying of other weapons. County Lines have become an increasing problem from towns like Bournemouth with the most vulnerable in our community being targeted, especially children. We have and will continue to work with other agencies to safeguard vulnerable persons, gather intelligence and information, disrupt criminality and bring offenders to justice.
We have been tackling and disrupting drug networks in the following ways;

    • Drugs Warrants – Known address targeted, resulting in charges being brought for possession with intent to supply for class A drugs.
    • Effective partnership work with housing providers to seek civil remedies at premises known for drug related ASB, e.g closure orders, civil injunctions.
    • High visibility policing to counter reports of street dealing and reassure the community.
    • Conducting visits on vulnerable members of the community subject to possible county lines / cuckooing, regular cuckoo checks.
    • Number one for disruption activity in the force, targeting dangerous drug networks and intelligence gathering.
1 Oct 2023Anti-Social Behaviour (ASB) Anti-Social Behaviour (ASB) As a result of our surveys our community have raised ASB as an issue which causes them concern. The term ASB encompasses a wide range of behaviours that cause nuisance and harm to others. We share responsibility with our partners to tackle ASB at a local level. Consistently the community have raised concerns around young people gathering, drinking alcohol, causing damage, smoking cannabis, littering and playing loud music. This is not an issue isolated to North Bournemouth and is an increasing problem across our county.
Response (1 Oct 2023)

We have been tackling this ongoing problem in the following ways;

  • Multi- agency meetings –supporting multi-agency plans to divert youth ASB/criminality and identify environmental factors associated with ASB
  • Close liaison with safer schools departments to educate and engage with school aged children.
  • Targeted patrols of hot spot locations to tackle ASB.
  • Effective use of the consequence scheme to target / sanction key ASB youth nominals with a view to applying for Acceptable Behaviour Contracts and ultimately civil remedies i.e ASBI etc.
  • Identifying those at most risk of causing harm focussing on the use of knives and weapons amongst young people and working to divert this behaviour.

Bournemouth North NPT are led by the community and the information you give us. If you report any issues to us it would be very helpful if they are clear, concise and as detailed as possible. Highlighting accurate times, locations and details helps us plan to have the right resources in the right location at the right time to ensure we give you the best possible service.

1 Oct 2023

Drug dealing and associated criminality Drug dealing and associated criminality Drug dealing continues to be a priority that the community want the police to focus on. The impact of drug dealing and associated criminality cannot be underestimated. Many other offences are commonly linked to drug related crime, thefts, burglaries, violent crime, knife crime and the carrying of other weapons. County Lines have become an increasing problem from towns like Bournemouth with the most vulnerable in our community being targeted, especially children. We have and will continue to work with other agencies to safeguard vulnerable persons, gather intelligence and information, disrupt criminality and bring offenders to justice.
We have been tackling and disrupting drug networks in the following ways;

    • Drugs Warrants – Known address targeted, resulting in charges being brought for possession with intent to supply for class A drugs.
    • Effective partnership work with housing providers to seek civil remedies at premises known for drug related ASB, e.g closure orders, civil injunctions.
    • High visibility policing to counter reports of street dealing and reassure the community.
    • Conducting visits on vulnerable members of the community subject to possible county lines / cuckooing, regular cuckoo checks.
    • Number one for disruption activity in the force, targeting dangerous drug networks and intelligence gathering.
1 Oct 2023Anti-Social Behaviour (ASB) Anti-Social Behaviour (ASB) As a result of our surveys our community have raised ASB as an issue which causes them concern. The term ASB encompasses a wide range of behaviours that cause nuisance and harm to others. We share responsibility with our partners to tackle ASB at a local level. Consistently the community have raised concerns around young people gathering, drinking alcohol, causing damage, smoking cannabis, littering and playing loud music. This is not an issue isolated to North Bournemouth and is an increasing problem across our county.
Response (1 Oct 2023)

We have been tackling this ongoing problem in the following ways;

  • Multi- agency meetings –supporting multi-agency plans to divert youth ASB/criminality and identify environmental factors associated with ASB
  • Close liaison with safer schools departments to educate and engage with school aged children.
  • Targeted patrols of hot spot locations to tackle ASB.
  • Effective use of the consequence scheme to target / sanction key ASB youth nominals with a view to applying for Acceptable Behaviour Contracts and ultimately civil remedies i.e ASBI etc.
  • Identifying those at most risk of causing harm focussing on the use of knives and weapons amongst young people and working to divert this behaviour.

Bournemouth North NPT are led by the community and the information you give us. If you report any issues to us it would be very helpful if they are clear, concise and as detailed as possible. Highlighting accurate times, locations and details helps us plan to have the right resources in the right location at the right time to ensure we give you the best possible service.

1 Oct 2024

Drug dealing and associated criminality

Drug dealing and associated criminality
Drug dealing continues to be a priority that the community want the police to focus on. The impact of drug dealing and associated criminality cannot be underestimated. Many other offences are commonly linked to drug related crime, thefts, burglaries, violent crime, knife crime and the carrying of other weapons. County Lines have become an increasing problem from towns like Bournemouth with the most vulnerable in our community being targeted, especially children. We have and will continue to work with other agencies to safeguard vulnerable persons, gather intelligence and information, disrupt criminality and bring offenders to justice.

Response (1 Oct 2024)

We have been tackling and disrupting drug networks in the following ways;

    • Drugs Warrants – Known address targeted, resulting in charges being brought for possession with intent to supply for class A drugs.
    • Effective partnership work with housing providers to seek civil remedies at premises known for drug related ASB, e.g closure orders, civil injunctions.
    • High visibility policing to counter reports of street dealing and reassure the community.
    • Conducting visits on vulnerable members of the community subject to possible county lines / cuckooing, regular cuckoo checks.
    • Number one for disruption activity in the force, targeting dangerous drug networks and intelligence gathering.

1 Oct 2024Anti-Social Behaviour (ASB) Anti-Social Behaviour (ASB) As a result of our surveys our community have raised ASB as an issue which causes them concern. The term ASB encompasses a wide range of behaviours that cause nuisance and harm to others. We share responsibility with our partners to tackle ASB at a local level. Consistently the community have raised concerns around young people gathering, drinking alcohol, causing damage, smoking cannabis, littering and playing loud music. This is not an issue isolated to North Bournemouth and is an increasing problem across our county.
Response (1 Oct 2024)

We have been tackling this ongoing problem in the following ways;

  • Multi- agency meetings –supporting multi-agency plans to divert youth ASB/criminality and identify environmental factors associated with ASB
  • Close liaison with safer schools departments to educate and engage with school aged children.
  • Targeted patrols of hot spot locations to tackle ASB.
  • Effective use of the consequence scheme to target / sanction key ASB youth nominals with a view to applying for Acceptable Behaviour Contracts and ultimately civil remedies i.e ASBI etc.
  • Identifying those at most risk of causing harm focussing on the use of knives and weapons amongst young people and working to divert this behaviour.

Bournemouth North NPT are led by the community and the information you give us. If you report any issues to us it would be very helpful if they are clear, concise and as detailed as possible. Highlighting accurate times, locations and details helps us plan to have the right resources in the right location at the right time to ensure we give you the best possible service.

1 Oct 2024

Drug dealing and associated criminality

Drug dealing and associated criminality
Drug dealing continues to be a priority that the community want the police to focus on. The impact of drug dealing and associated criminality cannot be underestimated. Many other offences are commonly linked to drug related crime, thefts, burglaries, violent crime, knife crime and the carrying of other weapons. County Lines have become an increasing problem from towns like Bournemouth with the most vulnerable in our community being targeted, especially children. We have and will continue to work with other agencies to safeguard vulnerable persons, gather intelligence and information, disrupt criminality and bring offenders to justice.

Response (1 Oct 2024)

We have been tackling and disrupting drug networks in the following ways;

    • Drugs Warrants – Known address targeted, resulting in charges being brought for possession with intent to supply for class A drugs.
    • Effective partnership work with housing providers to seek civil remedies at premises known for drug related ASB, e.g closure orders, civil injunctions.
    • High visibility policing to counter reports of street dealing and reassure the community.
    • Conducting visits on vulnerable members of the community subject to possible county lines / cuckooing, regular cuckoo checks.
    • Number one for disruption activity in the force, targeting dangerous drug networks and intelligence gathering.

1 Oct 2024Anti-Social Behaviour (ASB) Anti-Social Behaviour (ASB) As a result of our surveys our community have raised ASB as an issue which causes them concern. The term ASB encompasses a wide range of behaviours that cause nuisance and harm to others. We share responsibility with our partners to tackle ASB at a local level. Consistently the community have raised concerns around young people gathering, drinking alcohol, causing damage, smoking cannabis, littering and playing loud music. This is not an issue isolated to North Bournemouth and is an increasing problem across our county.
Response (1 Oct 2024)

We have been tackling this ongoing problem in the following ways;

  • Multi- agency meetings –supporting multi-agency plans to divert youth ASB/criminality and identify environmental factors associated with ASB
  • Close liaison with safer schools departments to educate and engage with school aged children.
  • Targeted patrols of hot spot locations to tackle ASB.
  • Effective use of the consequence scheme to target / sanction key ASB youth nominals with a view to applying for Acceptable Behaviour Contracts and ultimately civil remedies i.e ASBI etc.
  • Identifying those at most risk of causing harm focussing on the use of knives and weapons amongst young people and working to divert this behaviour.

Bournemouth North NPT are led by the community and the information you give us. If you report any issues to us it would be very helpful if they are clear, concise and as detailed as possible. Highlighting accurate times, locations and details helps us plan to have the right resources in the right location at the right time to ensure we give you the best possible service.

1 Oct 2024

Drug dealing and associated criminality

Drug dealing and associated criminality
Drug dealing continues to be a priority that the community want the police to focus on. The impact of drug dealing and associated criminality cannot be underestimated. Many other offences are commonly linked to drug related crime, thefts, burglaries, violent crime, knife crime and the carrying of other weapons. County Lines have become an increasing problem from towns like Bournemouth with the most vulnerable in our community being targeted, especially children. We have and will continue to work with other agencies to safeguard vulnerable persons, gather intelligence and information, disrupt criminality and bring offenders to justice.

Response (1 Oct 2024)

We have been tackling and disrupting drug networks in the following ways;

    • Drugs Warrants – Known address targeted, resulting in charges being brought for possession with intent to supply for class A drugs.
    • Effective partnership work with housing providers to seek civil remedies at premises known for drug related ASB, e.g closure orders, civil injunctions.
    • High visibility policing to counter reports of street dealing and reassure the community.
    • Conducting visits on vulnerable members of the community subject to possible county lines / cuckooing, regular cuckoo checks.
    • Number one for disruption activity in the force, targeting dangerous drug networks and intelligence gathering.

1 Oct 2024Anti-Social Behaviour (ASB) Anti-Social Behaviour (ASB) As a result of our surveys our community have raised ASB as an issue which causes them concern. The term ASB encompasses a wide range of behaviours that cause nuisance and harm to others. We share responsibility with our partners to tackle ASB at a local level. Consistently the community have raised concerns around young people gathering, drinking alcohol, causing damage, smoking cannabis, littering and playing loud music. This is not an issue isolated to North Bournemouth and is an increasing problem across our county.
Response (1 Oct 2024)

We have been tackling this ongoing problem in the following ways;

  • Multi- agency meetings –supporting multi-agency plans to divert youth ASB/criminality and identify environmental factors associated with ASB
  • Close liaison with safer schools departments to educate and engage with school aged children.
  • Targeted patrols of hot spot locations to tackle ASB.
  • Effective use of the consequence scheme to target / sanction key ASB youth nominals with a view to applying for Acceptable Behaviour Contracts and ultimately civil remedies i.e ASBI etc.
  • Identifying those at most risk of causing harm focussing on the use of knives and weapons amongst young people and working to divert this behaviour.

Bournemouth North NPT are led by the community and the information you give us. If you report any issues to us it would be very helpful if they are clear, concise and as detailed as possible. Highlighting accurate times, locations and details helps us plan to have the right resources in the right location at the right time to ensure we give you the best possible service.

1 Oct 2024

Drug dealing and associated criminality

Drug dealing and associated criminality
Drug dealing continues to be a priority that the community want the police to focus on. The impact of drug dealing and associated criminality cannot be underestimated. Many other offences are commonly linked to drug related crime, thefts, burglaries, violent crime, knife crime and the carrying of other weapons. County Lines have become an increasing problem from towns like Bournemouth with the most vulnerable in our community being targeted, especially children. We have and will continue to work with other agencies to safeguard vulnerable persons, gather intelligence and information, disrupt criminality and bring offenders to justice.

Response (1 Oct 2024)

We have been tackling and disrupting drug networks in the following ways;

    • Drugs Warrants – Known address targeted, resulting in charges being brought for possession with intent to supply for class A drugs.
    • Effective partnership work with housing providers to seek civil remedies at premises known for drug related ASB, e.g closure orders, civil injunctions.
    • High visibility policing to counter reports of street dealing and reassure the community.
    • Conducting visits on vulnerable members of the community subject to possible county lines / cuckooing, regular cuckoo checks.
    • Number one for disruption activity in the force, targeting dangerous drug networks and intelligence gathering.

1 Oct 2024Anti-Social Behaviour (ASB) Anti-Social Behaviour (ASB) As a result of our surveys our community have raised ASB as an issue which causes them concern. The term ASB encompasses a wide range of behaviours that cause nuisance and harm to others. We share responsibility with our partners to tackle ASB at a local level. Consistently the community have raised concerns around young people gathering, drinking alcohol, causing damage, smoking cannabis, littering and playing loud music. This is not an issue isolated to North Bournemouth and is an increasing problem across our county.
Response (1 Oct 2024)

We have been tackling this ongoing problem in the following ways;

  • Multi- agency meetings –supporting multi-agency plans to divert youth ASB/criminality and identify environmental factors associated with ASB
  • Close liaison with safer schools departments to educate and engage with school aged children.
  • Targeted patrols of hot spot locations to tackle ASB.
  • Effective use of the consequence scheme to target / sanction key ASB youth nominals with a view to applying for Acceptable Behaviour Contracts and ultimately civil remedies i.e ASBI etc.
  • Identifying those at most risk of causing harm focussing on the use of knives and weapons amongst young people and working to divert this behaviour.

Bournemouth North NPT are led by the community and the information you give us. If you report any issues to us it would be very helpful if they are clear, concise and as detailed as possible. Highlighting accurate times, locations and details helps us plan to have the right resources in the right location at the right time to ensure we give you the best possible service.

Contains public sector information licensed under the Open Government Licence v3.0.