Garioch Heritage Centre
The Garioch (pronounced Geary) is the name of the area immediately surrounding Inverurie. The centre has been created within the southern part of the former Great North of Scotland Railway's carriage repair shops. It has well devised and informative displays covering the social, economic and industrial development of the area. The building with its distinctive granite masonry is Listed Category B.
Image: © Alan Murray-Rust
Taken: 22 May 2022
0.01 miles
Crane in the Garioch Heritage Centre
The one remaining fitment from the former Great North of Scotland Railway's carriage repair shop is this overhead crane.
Image: © Alan Murray-Rust
Taken: 22 May 2022
0.01 miles
Redevelopment, Inverurie
Image: © Alex McGregor
Taken: 15 Jun 2011
0.03 miles
Paper Roller
This cylinder was part of one of the paper machines in Thomas Tait's paper mills, once an important employer in Inverurie. It has a mass of 30 tonnes, and is made of polished granite. An information board says that the granite was sourced in Finland because it has a higher silica content than the local granites. This makes sense because the other common minerals in granite, such as mica and feldspar, are less resistant to erosion than quartz, which is almost pure silica. These minerals would wear out of the surface and create pocks and thus unevenness on the surface of the roller.
Image: © Anne Burgess
Taken: 22 May 2022
0.03 miles
Sawtooth roof
The western side of the former Great North of Scotland Railway's carriage repair shop, which has been converted into residential property, but retains its original stonework and fenestration. Despite extensive rebuilding, it retains its Category B Listing.
Image: © Alan Murray-Rust
Taken: 22 May 2022
0.03 miles
Former Locomotive Works
This is one of the buildings that made up the Inverurie locomotive works. It was the carriage shed, and it has been renovated. The glass extension is part of the Garioch Heritage Centre, which occupies the south end of the building, and the rest of it has been converted to housing.
Image: © Anne Burgess
Taken: 22 May 2022
0.03 miles
Old Carriage Shed
This is one of the buildings that made up the Inverurie locomotive works. It was the carriage shed, and it has been renovated. The glass extension is part of the Garioch Heritage Centre, which occupies the south end of the building, and the rest of it has been converted to housing.
Image: © Anne Burgess
Taken: 22 May 2022
0.04 miles
Former Smithy and Foundry
These, with the carriage shed, are the only surviving buildings of the locomotive works. Like the carriage shed they are being renovated and converted to housing.
Image: © Anne Burgess
Taken: 22 May 2022
0.05 miles
Former carriage repair shops, Inverurie Loco
The periphery of the old carriage works has been converted to residential use with the centre opened up to form a pleasant courtyard.
Image: © Alan Murray-Rust
Taken: 22 May 2022
0.05 miles
Former Smithy, Furnace and Foundry Shop, Inverurie railway works
One of the few surviving buildings, in poor condition but currently undergoing renovation as residential. Listed Category B.
Image: © Alan Murray-Rust
Taken: 22 May 2022
0.05 miles