Newburgh: The end of the rainbow
Rainbow over the sands of Forvie, towards sunset.
Image: © Martyn Gorman
Taken: 7 May 2007
0.04 miles
Newburgh: wasp nest
We are perhaps most familiar with those wasp species that build their papery nests in our roof spaces. Some species, however, build their nest underground and, this summer, one colony has built its nest deep under the heather bed in my garden.
Image: © Martyn Gorman
Taken: 16 Aug 2008
0.04 miles
Newburgh: knee deep in Red Admirals
The day following a major deluge and high winds we were invaded by large numbers of Red Admirals. The following day they were all gone! This one is filling its fuel tanks from an apple on the bird feeder.
Image: © Martyn Gorman
Taken: 2 Oct 2010
0.09 miles
Newburgh: an overnight delivery from Iceland
Overnight a thin layer of volcanic dust from Iceland has settled on my car roof.
Image: © Martyn Gorman
Taken: 16 Apr 2010
0.09 miles
Newburgh: Slug Fest 2009
Slugs (Limax pseudoflavus) enjoying the contents of my compost bin. Why waste your money on exotic safaris abroad when there is wildlife like this on your doorstep?
Image: © Martyn Gorman
Taken: 14 Jul 2009
0.09 miles
Newburgh: native and alien pigeons on my roof
The Woodpigeon Columba palumbus is the UK's largest and commonest pigeon. Although shy in the countryside it is often tame and approachable in built-up areas.
The Collared dove Streptopelia decaocto is not native to the UK. Before the early 1950s it was a rare vagrant here but is now widespread with perhaps 200,000 breeding pairs. Its arrival was part of a huge expansion in the range of the collared dove which began in the 1930s, before which its European range was confined to the Balkans.
Image: © Martyn Gorman
Taken: 8 Jul 2009
0.09 miles
Newburgh: A green finch visits my garden
Green finches Carduelis chloris are a common garden species and are particularly attracted to feeders filled with sunflower seeds. More and more dependent on gardens now that suitable seeds in the countryside have been much reduced by agricultural changes.
Image: © Martyn Gorman
Taken: 5 May 2008
0.09 miles
Urban wildlife
Slugs (Limax pseudoflavus) enjoying the contents of my compost bin.
Image: © Martyn Gorman
Taken: 28 Sep 2007
0.09 miles
Newburgh: The Foveran Burn
Summer flowers, the Foveran Burn, Newburgh golf course and, in the distance the Sands of Forvie
Image: © Martyn Gorman
Taken: 8 Jul 2008
0.10 miles
Victory in Europe Celebrations
Celebrating the 60th anniversary of VE day in the Church Hall in Main Street Newburgh.
Image: © Martyn Gorman
Taken: 28 May 2005
0.11 miles