Overview for Carnesure Court, NEWTOWNARDS, BT23 5WR

Summary for Carnesure Court, NEWTOWNARDS, BT23 5WR

Northern Ireland Region
This postcode is in the
Comber South
Ards and North Down

Roadworks near BT23 5WR

Local roadworks in Northern Ireland are provided by Traffic Watch NI on their website at trafficwatchni.com/twni/traffic-news.

Unfortunately, whilst the information is provided, the orgasation do not provide location coordinates and so we are unable to map the planned works to local postcodes at this time.

Road Safety near BT23 5WR

Details of personal injury accidents in and around Carnesure Court, BT23 5WR that have been reported to Police Service of Northern Ireland over the past 20 years.

Traffic Levels near BT23 5WR

View traffic levels near Carnesure Court, BT23 5WR from official Department for Transport counts.

Images taken near to Carnesure Court, BT23 5WR and the surrounding area

The following nearby images were taken as part of the Geograph project. Each image is copyright of the individual creator.

Please click the More button for more images, licensing and image copyright information.


This area is policed by Police Service of Northern Ireland.

Police Service of Northern Ireland split their policing area into 26 separate neighbourhoods and this postcode is in the Newtownards neighbourhood.

Police Service of Northern Ireland

Newtownards Neighbourhood Crime

Top 3 Categories

For full details of all categories together with more crime information, click on the Details button.

Member of UK Parliament

Unfortunately, Parliamentary details are not available for this postcode.

Most Recent House Sales for Carnesure Court, BT23 5WR

No recorded house sales or transfers for this postcode.

Local Petrol Station Prices

Petrol Standard (E10)
Petrol Super (E5)

Diesel Standard (B7)
Diesel Super (B7)

Coordinates for BT23 5WR


Sunrise and Sunset at BT23 5WR


Traffic Emission and Congestion Zones

BT23 5WR is not covered by a Traffic Emission or Congestion Zone

Historical Weather Summary


Companies Registered at BT23 5WR


Postcode Details for BT23 5WR

31 Mar 2004

Recent Updates

16 Aug 2024
Schools Data Updated for August 2024
1 Aug 2024
Energy Performance Certificates (England and Wales) updated June 2024
1 Aug 2024
Sold House Price data updated for June 2024
31 Jul 2024
Energy Performance Certificates (Scotland) updated January to June 2024
15 Jul 2024
Schools Data Updated for July 2024
10 Jul 2024
Police and Crime data updated for May 2024
2 Jul 2024
Sold House Price data updated for May 2024
29 Jun 2024
Energy Performance Certificates (England and Wales) updated May 2024

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