Kilmarnock (KA15) District Postcodes
This page shows all of the individual postcodes and street names within the Kilmarnock postal area and KA15 postal district.
If a postcode does not have a street name assigned then it is probable that this postcode is assigned to a company or organisation as a 'Large User Postcode'
Listing of postcodes within Kilmarnock (KA15) District - 237 Active Postcodes
Street Name
KA15 1AA
Eglinton Street
KA15 1AB
Eglinton Street
KA15 1AD
Eglinton Street
KA15 1AE
Eglinton Street
KA15 1AJ
Eglinton Street
KA15 1AL
Eglinton Street
KA15 1AN
Dalry Road
KA15 1AP
Balfour Avenue
KA15 1AQ
Eglinton Street
KA15 1AR
Lancaster Avenue
KA15 1AS
Glebelands Way
KA15 1AT
De Morville Place
KA15 1AU
Dalry Road
KA15 1AW
Balfour Avenue
KA15 1AX
Dalry Road
KA15 1AY
Grahamfield Place
KA15 1AZ
Glebe Road
KA15 1BA
Dalry Road
KA15 1BB
Lochlands Grove
KA15 1BD
Chestnut Avenue
KA15 1BE
Oakwood Drive
KA15 1BF
Scholars Wynd
KA15 1BG
Laburnum Avenue
KA15 1BH
Chestnut Avenue
KA15 1BJ
Manuel Avenue
KA15 1BL
Jamieson Way
KA15 1BN
Denholm Way
KA15 1BP
McMillan Crescent
KA15 1BQ
Laburnum Avenue
KA15 1BS
The Cross
KA15 1BT
Hawthorn Crescent
KA15 1BU
KA15 1BW
Macdonald Court
KA15 1BX
KA15 1BY
KA15 1BZ
Hawthorn Crescent
KA15 1DA
Acacia Drive
KA15 1DB
Laburnum Avenue
KA15 1DD
Laburnum Avenue
KA15 1DE
Myrtle Bank
KA15 1DF
Hawthorn Crescent
KA15 1DG
Cedar Avenue
KA15 1DH
Barberry Drive
KA15 1DJ
Elder Avenue
KA15 1DL
Barberry Drive
KA15 1DN
Robert Burns Court
KA15 1DP
Maxwell Court
KA15 1DQ
Cedar Avenue
KA15 1DT
KA15 1DU
KA15 1DW
Keir Hardie Court
KA15 1DX
KA15 1DY
KA15 1DZ
KA15 1EA
Kirk Road
KA15 1ED
Woodburn Road
KA15 1EE
KA15 1EF
KA15 1EH
Larch Terrace
KA15 1EJ
Rowan Avenue
KA15 1EL
Montgomery Avenue
KA15 1EN
Larch Terrace
KA15 1EP
Rowan Place
KA15 1EQ
Kirk Road
KA15 1ER
Dalry Road
KA15 1ES
Powgree Crescent
KA15 1ET
Glebe Court
KA15 1EU
Barrmill Road
KA15 1EW
Rowan Avenue
KA15 1EX
Glebe Road
KA15 1EY
Glebe Road
KA15 1EZ
Glebe Road
KA15 1GA
Millbarr Grove
KA15 1HA
Barrmill Road
KA15 1HB
Barrmill Road
KA15 1HD
Geilsland Road
KA15 1HE
KA15 1HF
KA15 1HG
KA15 1HH
KA15 1HJ
KA15 1HN
Dunlop Road
KA15 1HP
Balgray Road
KA15 1HQ
KA15 1HR
Craufurd Crescent
KA15 1HS
McHardy Crescent
KA15 1HT
KA15 1HU
KA15 1HW
Beith Road
KA15 1HX
KA15 1HY
KA15 1HZ
KA15 1JA
KA15 1JD
Spiers Avenue
KA15 1JE
St. Andrews Place
KA15 1JG
Willowayrd Road
KA15 1JH
Willowyard Road
KA15 1JJ
Dalry Road
KA15 1JL
Dalry Road
KA15 1JN
Dalry Road
KA15 1JP
Dalry Road
KA15 1JQ
KA15 1JR
KA15 1JT
KA15 1JU
Barrmill Road
KA15 1JW
Dalry Road
KA15 1JX
Barrmill Road
KA15 1JY
KA15 1JZ
Kilwinning Road
KA15 1LB
KA15 1LD
KA15 1LE
Lochlibo Road
KA15 1LF
Lochlibo Road
KA15 1LG
Barrmill Road
KA15 1LH
Lochlibo Road
KA15 1LJ
KA15 1LL
Lochlibo Road
KA15 1LN
Beechfield Road
KA15 1LP
Willowburn Road
KA15 1LQ
KA15 1LS
Morrishill Drive
KA15 1LT
Cuff Crescent
KA15 1LU
Spiersland Way
KA15 1LY
Lochfield Road
KA15 1LZ
Viewfield Road
KA15 1NA
Academy Brae
KA15 1YG
KA15 2AA
Main Street
KA15 2AD
Main Street
KA15 2AE
Reform Street
KA15 2AF
Mains Road
KA15 2AH
Mid Road
KA15 2AJ
Mid Road
KA15 2AL
Park Avenue
KA15 2AN
Mains Road
KA15 2AP
Mains Road
KA15 2AQ
Elms Place
KA15 2AR
Blackthorn Avenue
KA15 2AS
Blackthorn Avenue
KA15 2AT
Mains Avenue
KA15 2AW
Mains Road
KA15 2AX
Bellmans Close
KA15 2AY
Kings Court
KA15 2AZ
KA15 2BA
Barrington Gardens
KA15 2BD
Crummock Street
KA15 2BE
Wilson Street
KA15 2BF
Muirpark Road
KA15 2BG
Wilson Street
KA15 2BJ
Kings Road
KA15 2BL
Caledonia Road
KA15 2BN
Kings Road
KA15 2BP
Muirpark Terrace
KA15 2BQ
Kings Road
KA15 2BS
Janefield Place
KA15 2BT
KA15 2BU
Woodside Road
KA15 2BW
Kings Road
KA15 2BX
Barrington Avenue
KA15 2BY
Barrington Avenue
KA15 2BZ
Auldlea Road
KA15 2DA
Auldlea Road
KA15 2DB
Auldlea Road
KA15 2DD
Maple Drive
KA15 2DE
Sycamore Avenue
KA15 2DF
Ash Drive
KA15 2DG
Laigh Road
KA15 2DH
Medine Court
KA15 2DJ
Medine Avenue
KA15 2DL
Laigh Road
KA15 2DN
Sycamore Court
KA15 2DP
Somerville Court
KA15 2DQ
Laigh Court
KA15 2DR
Dickson Court
KA15 2DS
KA15 2DU
Arran Crescent
KA15 2DW
Sycamore Avenue
KA15 2DX
Roebank Road
KA15 2DY
Roebank Road
KA15 2DZ
Cherrywood Drive
KA15 2EA
Lomond Crescent
KA15 2EB
Lomond Crescent
KA15 2ED
Thorntree Avenue
KA15 2EE
Thorntree Avenue
KA15 2EF
Thorntree Avenue
KA15 2EG
Cypress Avenue
KA15 2EH
Beech Avenue
KA15 2EJ
Beech Avenue
KA15 2EL
Kirk View
KA15 2EN
Wee Close
KA15 2EP
Auldlea Gardens
KA15 2EQ
Beech Avenue
KA15 2ER
Aitken Drive
KA15 2ET
New Street
KA15 2EU
Head Street
KA15 2EW
Headlands Grove
KA15 2EX
Wardrop Terrace
KA15 2EY
Wardrop Street
KA15 2EZ
Head Street
KA15 2HA
Head Street
KA15 2HB
St. Inans Drive
KA15 2HD
Crummock Gardens
KA15 2HE
Crummock Gardens
KA15 2HF
Crummock Gardens
KA15 2HG
Trinity Crescent
KA15 2HH
By Pass Road
KA15 2HJ
Park Court
KA15 2HQ
Crummock Gardens
KA15 2HR
Mains Road
KA15 2HT
Mains Road
KA15 2HU
KA15 2HX
KA15 2HZ
KA15 2JA
KA15 2JF
KA15 2JG
KA15 2JH
By Pass Road
KA15 2JJ
Threepwood Road
KA15 2JL
KA15 2JN
KA15 2JQ
Bigholm Road
KA15 2JR
Threepwood Road
KA15 2JS
KA15 2JT
Threepwood Road
KA15 2JU
Auldlea Road
KA15 2JW
Threepwood Road
KA15 2JX
Wotherspoon Drive
KA15 2LE
Gateside Road
KA15 2LF
Main Road
KA15 2LG
Reek Street
KA15 2LJ
KA15 2LL
KA15 2LN
KA15 2LP
KA15 2LQ
KA15 2LR
KA15 2LW