Pool Street
The building on the right was the Sunbeam Factory were motorbikes were produced until 1936 in Wolverhampton.
Image: © Gordon Griffiths
Taken: 6 Aug 2012
0.01 miles
Pool Street in Wolverhampton
Looking north from near the junction with Jeddo Street.
On the left is part of the former Sunbeam works, which is undergoing major regeneration to transform it into apartments.
Aerial images of this very extensive site are well worth looking at.
Sunbeam, registered in 1888, was once famous for its motorcycles and cars, but the 120,000 square feet (1.12 hectare) site off the Penn Road island has been empty since 1999. It was being purchased in 2013, and planning permission was being sought (and granted) for a range of residential developments. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sunbeam_%28car_company%29 http://www.wolverhampton.gov.uk/article/4787/Bright-future-for-former-Sunbeam-factory http://www.expressandstar.com/news/2014/06/20/10m-transformation-of-wolverhampton-factory-granted-green-light/
Image: © Roger D Kidd
Taken: 24 May 2016
0.01 miles
Former Sunbeam works in Pool Street, Wolverhampton
Looking north from near the junction with Jeddo Street.
On the left is part of the former Sunbeam works, which is undergoing major regeneration to transform it into apartments.
Aerial images of this very extensive site are well worth looking at.
Sunbeam, registered in 1888, was once famous for its motorcycles and cars, but the 120,000 square feet (1.12 hectare) site off the Penn Road island has been empty since 1999. It was being purchased in 2013, and planning permission was being sought (and granted) for a range of residential developments. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sunbeam_%28car_company%29 http://www.wolverhampton.gov.uk/article/4787/Bright-future-for-former-Sunbeam-factory http://www.expressandstar.com/news/2014/06/20/10m-transformation-of-wolverhampton-factory-granted-green-light/
Image: © Roger D Kidd
Taken: 24 May 2016
0.01 miles
Sunbeamland - Pool Street
Works are underway at last to convert the former cycle factory into apartments.
Image: © John M
Taken: 12 May 2016
0.02 miles
Looking into Sunbeamland
The sheds within the courtyard have been demolished. The concrete lift shaft suggests further construction work is planned.
Image: © John M
Taken: 12 May 2016
0.02 miles
Transforming Sunbeamland
The 1880s bicycle factory is finally finding a new future as apartments. The window replacements are much more practical than the original metal frames.
Image: © John M
Taken: 12 May 2016
0.02 miles
Former Sunbeam factory, Wolverhampton
Seen looking across the recently widened Ring Road near Penn Road Island, and showing the frontage in Paul Street.
Sunbeam, registered in 1888, was once famous for its motorcycles and cars, but the 120,000 square feet (1.12 hectare) site off the Penn Road island has been empty since 1999. It has been purchased in 2013, and planning permission has been sought for a range of residential developments. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sunbeam_%28car_company%29
Image: © Roger D Kidd
Taken: 16 Nov 2013
0.02 miles
Church Lane View
The view across the Ring Road to St John's Church Spire,Wolverhampton.
Image: © Gordon Griffiths
Taken: 11 Apr 2009
0.03 miles
Sunbeamland - Jeddo Street (south)
Unsympathetic new brickwork, possibly car parking within building redevelopment.
Image: © John M
Taken: 12 May 2016
0.03 miles
Jeddo Street, Wolverhampton
The large industrial area to the right is the former Sunbeam (registered in 1888) which has now been purchased. A residential redevelopment is planned.
Image: © Roger D Kidd
Taken: 9 Mar 2014
0.03 miles