Footpath towards the motorways
Leading across a sunlit field, the footpath out of Essington here follows the hedgeline to a junction at the far end.
Image: © Richard Law
Taken: 6 Oct 2014
0.04 miles
British. And apparently proud of it.
The owner of this field, with its grazing ponies, appears to be a proud Brit - he flies a Union flag from the pole on the hillock just ahead; it's visible from the M6 just off to the left.
Image: © Richard Law
Taken: 6 Oct 2014
0.06 miles
M54 Motorway - the start
The westbound carriageway of the M54 has just diverged from the M6 which is just visible on the right. The M54 has two lanes in each direction throughout, except for brief lane gain/drop cycles between closely spaced junctions.
Image: © Peter Whatley
Taken: 18 Jan 2011
0.09 miles
West bound M54 looking back towards the M6 Junction
Image: © Mick Malpass
Taken: 1 Jan 2012
0.11 miles
Traffic heading for the M54
Feeder road from the M6 northbound onto the M54 westbound. This one rarely misbehaves - it's the southbound feeder just to the north that's locally known as 'Oh God' corner, so named as it's quite commonplace to cross over the M6, see the standing traffic on the road below you, and realise you've made a big mistake in not coming off at the M54's junction 1. You are now committed to the traffic jam.
Image: © Richard Law
Taken: 6 Oct 2014
0.13 miles
M6 Motorway - Junction 10a Northbound
The M54/M6 split, with roadworks in evidence (though no work was being done in any of the 7 mile section afflicted).
Image: © Whatlep
Taken: 19 Jan 2010
0.13 miles
St. John's Church, Essington
Image: © Geoff Pick
Taken: 18 May 2006
0.13 miles
Northbound M6
The large sign on the left indicates that the Hilton Park Service Area is less than a mile ahead. The sign tells us that it is operated by moto and the logos indicate the main franchises operating on the site.
Further ahead, the other large blue sign indicates that we have reached the end of the section of motorway using the Active Traffic Management system and the variable speed limit is replaced by the national speed limit.
Image: © David Dixon
Taken: 21 Dec 2012
0.13 miles
Smart motorway in operation
The M54 is just joining the M6 from the left. It is inappropriate to be using the hard shoulder on this bit.
Image: © Bill Boaden
Taken: 27 Dec 2016
0.14 miles
M54 Motorway - B4156 overbridge, westbound carriageway
Image: © Peter Whatley
Taken: 18 Jan 2011
0.15 miles