Hellier Avenue View
The view from Bushbury Lane, Wolverhampton.
Image: © Gordon Griffiths
Taken: 4 Nov 2021
0.18 miles
Council Housing - Lincoln Green
Immediate post war prefabricated homes dating from around 1947. Although Wolverhampton had lost a relatively small number of properties to bombing the council still erected a large number of these temporary dwellings. Surprisingly a fair proportion of these remain scattered around the city despite their original ten year design life.
Image: © John M
Taken: 6 Dec 2009
0.19 miles
Council Housing - Lincoln Green
Immediate post war prefabricated homes dating from around 1947. Although Wolverhampton had lost a relatively small number of properties to bombing the council still erected a large number of these temporary dwellings. Surprisingly a fair proportion of these remain scattered around the city despite their original ten year design life.
Image: © John M
Taken: 6 Dec 2009
0.20 miles
The Warriors Tomb, Bushbury
Interesting what can be discovered when exploring, this appeared to be nothing more than a collection of rocks, however, a little research has revealed that it is known as the 'Warriors Tomb'. The rocks are thought to be a memorial to those killed at The Battle of Tettenhall (also known as the Battle of Wednesfield or Wōdnesfeld), which took place on 5 August 910. A battle where the Danes were defeated by the combined forces of the Kingdoms of Wessex and Mercia under the leadership of Edward the Elder of Wessex and Aethelflaed, Lady of the Mercians. They were brother and sister, their father was Alfred the Great.
Image: © Philip Halling
Taken: 9 Oct 2019
0.21 miles
Former animal pound, Bushbury
Preserved by the hedge line, this is believed to be the site of a sheep pound near to Bushbury church.
Image: © John M
Taken: 21 Mar 2008
0.21 miles
The Warrior's Tomb - Bushbury
In 910 Saxon Queen Ethelfleda's Mercian and her brother Edward's Wessex armies defeated a Viking army at the battle of Wodensfelde killing two Viking kings and inflicting a crushing victory over the invaders. This was a turning point in the struggle with the Danes and end of the Danelaw.
The location of the battle is unknown, variously linked with Tettenhall and Wednesfield. The significance of this pile of stones is unclear but is near to the Parish Church. It is unmarked and even as a local I had assumed this was merely a rockery.
Image: © John M
Taken: 29 Mar 2015
0.23 miles
St Mary's Church Bushbury
Grave of Francis Henry Davies, killed in the railway accident at Portobello Junction 19th October 1899. He was Fireman of the express that collided with a goods train. Gravestone flat on ground.
Image: © Ray Durrant
Taken: 20 Mar 2009
0.23 miles
St. Mary, Bushbury
Image: © Geoff Pick
Taken: 10 May 2003
0.23 miles
Bushbury Nursery School
The Bushbury Church School was established on this site in 1835.
Image: © John M
Taken: 17 Jan 2010
0.24 miles