St Michael's Hospice Shop, Great Malvern
Located at 97 Church Street, this is one of 15 St Michael's Hospice charity shops where the sale of donated items provides funds for the work of St Michael’s Hospice, the major provider of palliative care education and training in the area.
Image: © Jaggery
Taken: 5 May 2013
0.01 miles
Fat Face in Malvern
At the early May 2013 date of this view, Fat Face clothes & accessories shop
at 89-91 Church Street was flanked by two shops with To Let boards on the wall,
Julian Graves on the left and Dorothy Perkins on the right.
Image: © Jaggery
Taken: 5 May 2013
0.01 miles
Elgar, Enigma and Church Street, Malvern
Rose Garrard's statue of Sir Edward Elgar stands by his Enigma Fountain and stares down Church Street.
The view, though much changed over the decades, would still be familiar.
Image: © Bob Embleton
Taken: 23 May 2009
0.02 miles
Great Malvern - Church Street
At the time photographed there was much local discussion concerning the future of Church Street, both in terms of retailing and whether traffic should be restricted to one way along the street. Parked cars and widened pavements on the far side of the street impede two way traffic. On the other hand, Malvern's old shopping area is chronically short of car parking spaces.
Image: © Peter Whatley
Taken: 30 Nov 2009
0.02 miles
Somerfield supermarket, Great Malvern
Almost a Co-op supermarket now except for the external signage.
Built as the International in the 1980s promising an indoor bakery, fresh fish counter, butchery and even a creche. All soon went.
An alley way, Church Walk, was created to connect the supermarket to the main shopping street, Church Street, by removing one shop.
This walkway continues past the supermarket to Edith Walk from where one can access the new(er) Waitrose supermarket (just visible on the left edge of the photograph).
Image: © Bob Embleton
Taken: 25 Apr 2011
0.02 miles
Church Street, shops and graves
Church Street used to be known as Spital Way as it passed the northern boundary of the Priory which provided hospitality.
The Priory churchyard remains whilst shops have developed on the north side of the rather steep shopping area.
With the rise of supermarkets away from the traditional shopping area the number of small specialist shops reduces.
Gordon Smith's haberdashery and kitchenware shop has been here a long time (since at least 1970) though the shop front informs us that the business incorporates "Gwynn & Sons Est 1852".
Image: © Bob Embleton
Taken: 29 Nov 2009
0.02 miles
Church Street, Malvern
The view up the street past the crossroads with the Malvern Hills beyond.
The building higher up on the hillside with the Italianate tower is Aldwyn Towers where, as a child, Roosevelt recuperated from typhoid.
Image: © Bob Embleton
Taken: 23 Feb 2012
0.02 miles
Church Street, Great Malvern
Once called Spittal Way when the monks of Great Malvern Priory provided hospitality. The churchyard forms one side whilst the other side is lined with shops. Viewed from close to the Elgar Statue.
Image: © Bob Embleton
Taken: 15 Sep 2007
0.02 miles
Carnival Records, Malvern
A digital image of a self-styled 'physical shop in a digital world'.
The photographer did spend a quite a few minutes and pounds in here!
Image: © Jonathan Billinger
Taken: 23 Feb 2013
0.02 miles
Lyttelton Well Bookshop
Christian bookshop and very popular cafe off Church Street.
Image: © Trevor Rickard
Taken: 31 Aug 2007
0.02 miles