Public Urinal, The Parade, Watford
Yes, this is a urinal. The circular outline in the foreground is the roof of a pop-up urinal, one of two installed in Watford town centre for the purpose of reducing the necessity to use shop doorways after a night on the - er - town. Apparently they rise up at around 8pm on Mondays, Fridays and Saturdays and sink at about 7 or 8am the following morning. I have no idea where the controller with, presumably, a remote is located but the command centre must surely be in contact with the CCTV operators to ensure no-one is standing on the pod when it pops up. My sources tell me that the arrival of these structures has had no discernible effect on the peeing habits of the revellers as, although they are strategically placed close to the main watering holes, they are so discreet (the urinals that is, not the merrymakers) that they are rarely noticed and the few punters who do spot them think they are drinking fountains. Judge for yourself https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C8iR3pgt37I
On a more serious note, no similar provision has been made for the ladies who still have to find a dark alley for a moment's privacy - not a very safe option.
Image: © Cathy Cox
Taken: 3 Mar 2008
0.04 miles
Watford: The Pond
The water was a rather alarming pea-green soup colour contrasting with the whiteness of the snow on the roofs.
Image: © Nigel Cox
Taken: 6 Apr 2008
0.04 miles
The Pond, Watford at dawn
The Pond at the northern end of the High Street in Watford was originally a natural feature and was, in the past, used to water horses and cattle. It has undergone many changes in its history and at present is a long rectangle with a low wall surrounding it. At the northern end, directly in front of the photographer, is a raised feature with water falling into the lower level where the boat-shaped features are. There are also two small fountains, one of which is visible in front of the patch of reeds. Rocky islands provide places for the ducks and, in the last couple of years, moorhens to breed. There are numerous fish in the pond, invisible for the most part beneath the dark green water. There are large areas of reedmace, water lilies and irises.
The Pond is currently in danger of being 'downsized' although it appears to have been reprieved from being filled in completely. A campaign is being waged to save it and its wildlife. Space is, apparently, required for "an ice rink, Ferris wheel or urban beach."
The area around the Pond comprises the 'café quarter' with pubs, clubs and eating places. The Christmas lights are in place but unlit at this time of the morning, apart from one lonely rebel on the right hand side.
Image: © Cathy Cox
Taken: 15 Dec 2009
0.04 miles
On The Parade, Watford
Image: © Ed of the South
Taken: 25 Feb 2015
0.04 miles
O'Neills on The Parade
Image: © Steve Daniels
Taken: 19 May 2010
0.05 miles
The former Prudential office building on The Parade
Image: © Steve Daniels
Taken: 19 May 2010
0.05 miles
Narrow lane in Watford town centre
Image: © Malc McDonald
Taken: 23 Jun 2012
0.05 miles
The Parade, Watford
Looking northwest over The Pond towards the Town Hall (not in sight). The Pond, frequented by a heron which appears completely unfazed by the passing public, has been in existence, although with many transformations, for centuries.
Image: © Cathy Cox
Taken: 10 Oct 2005
0.06 miles
Watford: The Pond
The snow has built up on the north side of the lamppost, the trees, the seats and the litter bin but not on the ground.
Image: © Nigel Cox
Taken: 6 Apr 2008
0.06 miles
Yates on The Parade
Image: © Steve Daniels
Taken: 19 May 2010
0.06 miles