Rock formations, Kents Cavern - the owl
People love to give names to rock formations. The guide didn't give this one a name but I would call it the 'owl'.
Location estimated from the cave survey map found in Proctor & Smart's 1989 report found online. Probably +/- 20m.
Image: © Stephen Craven
Taken: 25 Oct 2019
0.02 miles
Houses, Wellswood
A terrace of four with three gables (the two central houses share a gable) overlooking Ilsham Road. Behind are Cleve Court and Cleve Terrace. Seen from Asheldon Road.
Image: © Derek Harper
Taken: 10 Feb 2019
0.03 miles
Rock formations, Kents Cavern - stalagmite
This isn't the most impressive stalagmite you will see anywhere, but it's the tallest in Kent's Cavern, estimated to be several thousand years in the making, and protected from accidental damage by a perspex screen.
Location estimated from the cave survey map found in Proctor & Smart's 1989 report found online. Probably +/- 20m.
Image: © Stephen Craven
Taken: 25 Oct 2019
0.03 miles
Lilac, Wellswood
A bush in flower beside Ilsham Road.
Image: © Derek Harper
Taken: 22 Apr 2019
0.03 miles
Kents Cavern, Torquay
Kents Cavern is a prehistoric cave and visitor attraction, located in Wellswood, Torquay. The entrance building pictured here, seen from the car park, houses a restaurant and gift shop.
Image: © Richard Dorrell
Taken: 1 Jan 2010
0.03 miles
Kents Cavern
Kents Cavern is the name for a series of caves which stretch underneath the Hopes Nose headland. The limestone caves are notable for their archaeological and geological features and is where a human upper jawbone was found in 1927. The bone has been dated to be approx. 44,000 years old and is the earliest anatomically modern human fossil yet discovered in North-West Europe. The caves are a geological Site of Special Scientific Interest (since 1952) and a Scheduled Ancient Monument (since 1957).
Image: © Len Williams
Taken: 10 May 2014
0.03 miles
Cave dwellers reconstructed, Kents Cavern
An imagination of what life might have been like for the prehistoric residents.
Image: © Stephen Craven
Taken: 25 Oct 2019
0.03 miles
Rock formations, Kents Cavern
People love to give names to rock formations. The guide described the tiered formation at the back of this section of the cave as the 'wedding cake'. The illuminated formation to the left is known as the 'organ chamber'.
Location estimated from the cave survey map found in Proctor & Smart's 1989 report found online. Probably +/- 20m.
Image: © Stephen Craven
Taken: 25 Oct 2019
0.04 miles
Flower beds on traffic Island in Wellswood centre
Image: © John Firth
Taken: 15 May 2010
0.04 miles
Blue plaques outside Kents Cavern
The plaques honour William Pengelly and John MacEnery who explored the caves in the 19th century.
Image: © Stephen Craven
Taken: 25 Oct 2019
0.04 miles