Coastguard Cottages, St Andrew's Road, Littlestone in 1969
I took a similar view in 2010
Image but this view shows part of the grass tennis courts that were maintained by the golf club whose building can be seen at the end of the terrace. There seems to be a row of daffodils along the side garden wall of the nearest house.
Image: © John Baker
Taken: Unknown
0.02 miles
The Lodge, St Andrew's Road, Littlestone in 1980
A closer view of the house and garden than
Image but showing how cars were able to enter and exit the property. The posts, beyond the garden, support wire netting around a grass tennis court. In the distance, across the golf course, are dwellings along Madeira Road.
Image: © John Baker
Taken: 7 Apr 1980
0.03 miles
Coastguard Cottages, St Andrew's Road, Littlestone
The nearest house in the terrace is known as the Officer's House. They have been in private ownership for many years.
Image: © John Baker
Taken: 6 Apr 2010
0.03 miles
Littlestone Warren Golf Club
It is not possible to obtain a clear view of the building that my father had taken of
Image as the leylandii hedge now obscures it from the original position. The car park was laid over what was grass tennis courts and part of the garden. The building now contains a restaurant and professional's shop.
Image: © John Baker
Taken: 6 Apr 2010
0.03 miles
The Lodge, St Andrew's Road, Littlestone in 1969
This building now belongs to the Littlestone Warren Golf Course and is known as "The 19th" see http://www.littlestonegolfclub.org.uk/The%2019th.htm but at the time of this picture, provided tied-accommodation for the secretaries of Littlestone Golf Club. My parents lived here from 1968-1981 as my father was one of the secretaries. Then they moved to Framlingham, St Nicholas Road, Littlestone - a house that they had paid to be built between 1977-1978 to retire to. See http://www.geograph.org.uk/photo/1798968
Image: © John Baker
Taken: 6 Apr 1969
0.04 miles
Warren Golf Course, St Andrew's Road, Littlestone
This is also known as "The 19th" but was formerly known as "The Lodge" see http://www.geograph.org.uk/photo/1782743
Image: © John Baker
Taken: 6 Apr 2010
0.04 miles
Rolls-Royce outside The Lodge, St Andrew's Road in 1968
My father had formerly been employed by Ohrbach’s http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ohrbach's as an export merchant to America until 1966, when it sold its UK concern to C&A. The younger Mr Ohrbach, here referred to as Jerome http://www.jewishvirtuallibrary.org/jsource/judaica/ejud_0002_0015_0_15050.html but whom my father knew as Jerry had become head of the firm in 1950. He had a penchant for Rolls-Royce/Bentley cars (which he could afford as he was a multi-millionaire). The deal was that Jerry would purchase a new left-hand drive car, use it to tour Europe before getting my father to collect it from wherever he had left it, have it serviced in the UK and shipped back to the States. This was the last of Jerry’s cars that my father drove as, although he had left his employment with Ohrbach’s and had started a new job at Littlestone Golf Club in May 1968, he was able (and seized the chance) to have time off to collect this car from The Continent, following an invitation from Jerry. A drive round Romney Marsh sticks in my memory, for when we reached Ivychurch and turned the corner towards Brenzett, a family standing outside their house viewed the car with open mouths as it passed by. My father took me along when he drove the car to London for its servicing, prior to its being shipped to the States. We came back by train from Charing Cross.
Image: © John Baker
Taken: Unknown
0.04 miles
The interior of the verandah of The Lodge, Littlestone in 1969
As can be seen in the 1969 view
Image the enclosed verandah ran along the front of the building. The interior view was taken on the extreme right. The furthermost chair could be turned into a rather narrow bed. All the furniture has since been sold or given away. Through the window, the squat contraption in the grass was the remains of a gun emplacement dating from WWII.
Image: © John Baker
Taken: Unknown
0.04 miles
The kitchen at The Lodge, Littlestone in 1969
The kitchen was situated on the left side of the building under the right hand chimney and its southeast window can be seen in this view of the whole house
Image: © John Baker
Taken: Unknown
0.04 miles
The Lodge, St Andrew?s Road in 1969
Taken by my father, George Baker. The daffodils, in the foreground, help to date it to this month. To the right of the house (and behind from where my father would have been standing) were grass tennis courts, which were part of Littlestone Golf Club. My father was secretary here from 1968-1981; The Lodge was provided as accommodation, for the secretary, until it became
Image: © George Baker
Taken: Unknown
0.05 miles