Houses on Sunnyside
Elegant houses on Sunnyside, which is indeed the sunny side of the village green in Denholm.
Image: © Oliver Dixon
Taken: 21 Sep 2014
0.01 miles
Cottages in Denholm
The thatched cottage in the photo was the birthplace in 1775 of Dr John Leyden, son of a shepherd. At the age of 15, John Leyden enrolled at Edinburgh University, eventually qualifying both as a doctor and as a minister. He was an associate of Sir Walter Scott and a poet in his own right, and became an expert in oriental languages before his early death, at the age of 36, in Java.
Image: © Eileen Henderson
Taken: 27 May 2006
0.02 miles
John Leyden Memorial, Denholm
This impressive monument in the middle of the village green in Denholm commemorates local man John Leyden (1775-1811), the celebrated Scottish orientalist.
Image: © Oliver Dixon
Taken: 21 Sep 2014
0.03 miles
The spire of the Leyden Monument
For a full view of the monument, see
Image: © Walter Baxter
Taken: 14 Apr 2008
0.04 miles
The stone base of the old Mercat Cross at Denholm
Set within the railings of the Leyden Monument
Image] on Denholm village green, and the likely spot where the old Mercat Cross used to stand.
Image: © Walter Baxter
Taken: 14 Apr 2008
0.04 miles
Detail on the Leyden Monument
Carved figures on the Gothic spire of the monument
Image] at The Green, Denholm.
Image: © Walter Baxter
Taken: 14 Apr 2008
0.04 miles
The Leyden Monument
This 1861 monument designed by Hector H Orrock and sculpted by Handyside Ritchie, takes the form of a Gothic stone spire set on red granite columns, and stands in the middle of the village green. It was erected by public subscription to the memory of John Leyden, a poet and oriental scholar who was born in Denholm in 1775. Restoration and repair of the monument was carried out in 1982.
Image: © Walter Baxter
Taken: 14 Apr 2008
0.04 miles
The green, Denholm
Image: © Richard Webb
Taken: 25 Nov 2015
0.04 miles
The John Leyden Memorial, Denholm
There are two plaques on the John Leydon Memorial which record;
John Leyden, Born Denholm 8th September 1775
Died Batavia 28th August, 1811
To the memory of the Poet and oriental scholar, whose genius, learning and manly virtues were an honour to his country and shed a lustre on his native Teviotdale. This monument was erected by public subscription AD 1861
Image: © Bill Henderson
Taken: 22 Jul 2014
0.04 miles
Houses alongside the green, Denholm.
Image: © Richard Webb
Taken: 20 Aug 2007
0.05 miles